In this episode, Aaron and Ben address the prevailing frustration and cynicism within the game development industry concerning Agile methodologies. They stress the importance of acknowledging the evolving landscape, characterized by a shift from defined to empirical work methods. To facilitate this transition, they introduce the concept of the Six Parameters: Innovation Needed, Uncertainty, Rate of Change, Cost of Change, Controllability, and Impact of Failure. These parameters serve as...
Published 10/24/23
In this episode, Aaron and Ben delve into their winning model for exceptional game production, highlighting the skills that define successful production. Their perspective: leadership, influence, and systems building are the pivotal yet often overlooked skills to acquire for the “Game Producer” role.   Discover the essence of production, which extends beyond mere planning, focusing on force multiplication, empowering teams to make sound decisions, and crafting, enhancing, and sustaining...
Published 10/10/23
In this episode, Ben and Aaron delve into the critical role of game production and shed light on common misconceptions and pitfalls often encountered by producers. The discussion uncovers three distinct categories of production traps: suboptimizers, unskilled supporters, and the actively dangerous. Ben and Aaron underscore the importance of steering clear of these pitfalls and emphasize the significance of effective leadership in driving both team and project success. They explore how...
Published 09/26/23
Aaron and Ben discuss the challenges of poor management practices in the gaming industry. They explore the lack of transparency, the flawed promotion system, and the need for managers to prioritize their role as people managers. They introduce four principles of being a good boss: growth, integrity, accountability, and advocacy. They emphasize the importance of investing time and effort into effective management and advocate for creating a system that supports the growth and success of...
Published 09/12/23
Ben and Aaron discuss the importance of understanding where your game falls on the live service spectrum and how that impacts your development process. They emphasize the need to build live service stewardship into the culture of your teams and train new employees to think about the live service. They also stress the importance of setting clear expectations with players and communicating openly with them. Overall, they provide valuable insights and advice for running a successful live service...
Published 08/29/23
“Most of the failures in any project that I've ever been on have been due to lack of communication, lack of coordination, lack of respect for other people, overemphasis on procedure, as opposed to being able to react elegantly to changes in the situation that you're in.” - Jim Benson   This quote is from our guest on today’s episode Jim Benson, who has extensively studied why people struggle to collaborate and is the author of Personal Kanban and The Collaboration Equation.   Jim joins...
Published 08/14/23
When it comes to saving money, working efficiently or creating value for players, what should take priority in game dev? No matter what your opinion is, tools are a possible solution to all of these problems.   In this episode, we’re joined by Jean-Eric Khalife, product manager at Hypixel Studios, to talk about what happens when tools are overlooked or used poorly, and when they shouldn’t be used. Formerly a tech artist, he’s a pro at solving problems and has plenty of examples to prove his...
Published 08/01/23
There was an unusually high number of low-quality games released in 2022, and we think we know why.   The disconnect between the money and development sides often lead to rushed deadlines and games that don’t live up to their promises, resulting in an oversaturated market and subpar products in competition with each other. That’s why we have Joel McGinnis on this episode to help us discuss this topic, and why business and creative need to start communicating better.   Joel shares his...
Published 07/17/23
Is your organization struggling with making decisions, from a lack of consensus or clarity on who the key decision makers are, or something else entirely? The RAPID decision-making framework might be your solution.   Joining us on this episode to discuss the RAPID Decision-Making Matrix is Linda Fane, a consultant, coach and organizational expert in games. We start by going over the scale of decision making, including the two extremes of the spectrum and which model is the most effective,...
Published 07/04/23
Having opposing views from your team or struggling to communicate with senior leaders and stakeholders are just a couple of common issues game producers have when trying to make changes to improve the game dev process. That’s why it’s crucial for leaders to understand what it takes to drive change in a positive direction, and to make sure everyone is on board.   First up in this episode, senior game dev leader Leslee Sullivant shares her definition of a producer, and how her ideal role...
Published 06/20/23
AI is on the tip of everyone’s tongue right now. You’ve probably seen headlines in the news, on social media, maybe even heard conversations in the workplace. So, what’s the big deal with AI, and how does it affect game dev?   In this episode of Building Better Games, AI expert Bill Frischling defines AI and what it’s currently capable of doing. He also explains the limitations of artificial intelligence, generative AI’s completion model, and offers a ton of tips to get started using AI in...
Published 06/06/23
What defines cheating in games? Is it exploiting existing bugs, using automation or macro tools? What about installing third-party mods that unlock special features in the game?   Building Better Games is joined by game developer and anti-cheat expert, Paul Chamberlain, on this episode to discuss cheating and creating an anti-cheat strategy. Cheating is inevitable, but there ARE ways to mitigate its effects and keep competitive integrity in games.   Paul outlines the importance of...
Published 05/23/23
Things like meetings, reports and team structure are in place to help the game dev process go smoother, and create cohesion among team members. But are these work systems actually having a positive effect? If not, you probably have an alignment issue.   In this episode, we dive into this topic and offer tips to build a system that inspires autonomy, creativity, and effective decision making. You’ll hear about the benefits of defining goals and sharing this vision with your team,...
Published 05/09/23
The truth is, most people underestimate how long a task will take. This is especially true in game dev, where new developments and problems are inevitable even with the guidance of a roadmap.   During this episode, the hosts of Building Better Games dive into the misuse of roadmaps and 5 key areas leaders should focus on more. We discuss prioritization, rate of discovery, managing expectations of key stakeholders, blindspots like team readiness and more.   Our tips will help producers...
Published 04/25/23
“It's cheap to have opinions. It's hard to have informed opinions. It's really, really hard to be an expert who's researched something.”   This episode of Building Better Games concludes our two-part series on Web3, wrapping up our conversation with game dev leaders Susan Cummings and Ryan Scott. Along with hosts Ben and Aaron, they highlight the importance of exploring the value of Web3 for games, including how leaders can stay on top of tech trends while not losing focus of player value. ...
Published 04/11/23
Web3 is the next generation of the internet, and it’s already having an effect on the gaming industry. There’s a lot of opinions floating around, but one thing the hosts of Building Better Games and today’s guest can agree on is that player value needs to be leading the conversation.   Joining Ben and Aaron on the show today to discuss Web3 is Susan Cummings, CEO of Petaverse, and Ryan Scott, a veteran senior design leader. Susan’s experience working in VR and Web3 gives her firsthand...
Published 03/28/23
What does it mean to really drive change? How do you effectively bring up problems with leadership? How do you say no when others want too much from you? What do you do when no one cares about the issues you bring up?   Get answers to these questions and MORE in today’s episode! In addition, you’ll hear our advice on being an active leader, rather than a passive leader that lets problems go unsolved. Plus, expect to learn how you should handle problems at every level, no matter your title. ...
Published 03/14/23
Choose any issue, and you'll find people with differing perspectives. This is inevitable but yet, in the gaming industry, having an opinion that's not in line with current workplace trends is condemned. But why can there only be one way to do things?   Discussing this topic with us today is Joseph Kim, a longtime gamemaker and leader with a resume that includes Sega and Leila Games. He shares his philosophy surrounding the nuances in game development, including modern working methods,...
Published 02/28/23
Game development is defined by creative work, and for leaders, sometimes that means ditching the old framework and coming up with nuanced approaches to common issues. This is especially true when it comes to estimations.   During this episode, we’ll answer these key questions on this topic: How do you explain estimation to your team, and give them confidence that it's actually useful? How do you know which estimation tools to use in different circumstances? What can you do as a leader when...
Published 02/14/23
If you’ve listened to episode 21, How not to Lose Your Game Vision on the Altar of “Getting Shit Done,” then you’ve heard us talk about the pressure on teams to rush through the game development process.   This is just one problem that arises when game dev leaders try to adopt the system development life cycle method without leaving room for the creativity and flexibility the industry requires.   Today, we address the pitfalls of SDLC and the poor assumptions leaders make within it. This...
Published 01/31/23
Remote work has completely transformed the way we work on teams and communicate with each other. Leadership still has many of the same responsibilities, but the way they can successfully accomplish them has changed.   During this final part of Building Better Games’s series on remote work, you’ll learn the necessary skills remote work leaders need to keep company culture at the forefront of an organization’s structure. We discuss how producers/leaders in game development can stay in...
Published 01/10/23
If you’re like the hosts of Building Better Games, then you thought the proliferation of remote work was temporary. The world has moved into a new era post-pandemic, and it looks like remote work is here to stay.     During this episode, a few questions about remote work are discussed, including: Is remote work a right, or a privilege that might need to be earned? What is the function of management in this remote world? How has remote work affected the gaming industry?     Remote work...
Published 01/03/23
Does likeability have a lot of value in leadership? How much does setting and enforcing boundaries help you and the organization succeed? What skills are important for leaders to exhibit?     Answering all these questions and more is Zach Blitz, a senior director of production at Epic Games and friend of the hosts of Building Better Games. He has experienced leading multiple teams in a large organization, while still keeping his leadership style relationship centric.     In this...
Published 12/13/22
“I believe that we will make better games by treating game developers better. Game development should be a dream job, but it's not.”     This quote comes from today’s episode with Josiah Kiehl, co-founder and CEO of Sprocket Games. After experiencing his own disappointment with the “myth of the dream job,” he teamed with like-minded creators to found a company that’s building a strong technology foundation and fostering a culture that supports creativity.     During his chat with the...
Published 12/06/22
Dreaming of a career in game development? In the gaming industry, relevant skills and real experience delivering outcomes matter more than a college degree. If you’re highly creative and technical, and can work well on a team, you’ll do well in this industry, but keep in mind that working in game dev is not all fun and games.     On today’s episode, Building Better Games is addressing some of the myths and struggles of the industry, such as the pressure and time crunch many people in game...
Published 11/22/22