Russell White is the best triathlete form Ireland. Currently placed 58th in the Olympic triathlon rankings fighting for his position at the Tokyo 2021 Olympics. Good friend, training partner and a rival of mine, today we talked live on Instagram about his collarbone injury, his experience during the controversial race in South America and my experience at the race in India.Russell White je najlepší triatlonista z Írska. V súčasnosti je na 58. mieste v rebricku ku olympijských hrách 2021 v Tokiu 2021. Dobrý kamarát, treningovy partner a môj súper, dnes sme na Instagrame rozprávali o zranení goliera, o jeho skúsenostiach počas kontroverzného závodu v Južnej Amerike ao mojich skúsenostiach zo závodu v Indii.Follow me on social media to get notified about new episodes - -
*This episode of the Podcast has been recorded through Instagram Live/Táto epizóda Podcastu bola zaznamenaná cez Instagram Live*Romana Gajdosová je najlepšia triatlonistka na Slovensku. Šesťkrát za sebou získala cenu "Triatlonistky roka“ a má oči na olympijských hrách v Tokiu 2021. Niektoré z jej...
Published 04/22/20
In the sixth edition of The Varga Triathlon Podcast I speak to Ladi Demko. Ladi Demko is life time athlete with addiction for cycling, running and swimming. "Believing in people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.” “Making differences in athletes...
Published 09/27/19