Episode 308 Shannon's VBA3C + Doubt From Her Delivery Team
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“I did it. They said I couldn’t, but I did it.” When planning for her VBA3C, Shannon got just about as much kickback as someone can get. She was ambushed. She was coerced. She was given the scariest information.  Shannon joins us from England today and talks about how each of her four births brought her to where she is today. By the time she was pregnant with her fourth, she was ready to advocate. She was ready to fight for something she had never gotten to experience.  Though none of her providers were supportive, Shannon stayed grounded. She made her desires known and stood by them.  Shannon labored unmedicated for just over 14 hours. Then to everyone’s surprise, she pushed her fourth baby girl out vaginally in 14 minutes! The VBAC Link Blog: Is VBA3C Right for You? The VBAC Link Blog: VBAMC How to VBAC: The Ultimate Prep Course for Parents Full Transcript under Episode Details  04:04 First pregnancy and birth 08:31 Second pregnancy and scheduled repeat Cesarean 10:56 Third pregnancy 14:04 A heartbreaking third Cesarean 17:42 Postpartum during COVID 19:55 Fourth pregnancy 24:37 Getting ambushed 28:40 Shannon’s VBA3C birth 36:32 “We are all so proud.” 38:30 VBAC after three Cesareans Meagan: Hello, hello. You are listening to The VBAC Link. We have our friend, Shannon. Are you from England? Where are you? Shannon: England, yeah. New Cambridge.  Meagan: Okay, see? I’m so glad my mind is remembering. You are in England and you guys, she is recording. It is quite late there. She is such a gem to stay up and record and share her VBAC after three C-sections.  Shannon: Three.  Meagan: Yes. Her fourth was a vaginal birth. Uno, dos, tres. I can’t even say. I can’t even pretend that I know Spanish. Let’s be honest. So three, you guys. After three Cesareans and we know in our community that this is definitely something that people want to hear. People want to hear these stories because it is harder to find the support. They want to hear what people are doing, how they are navigating through, where they are finding support, and what they are doing to have their vaginal birth after multiple Cesareans.  We are excited, Shannon, for you to share your stories today.  01:07 Review of the Week Meagan: We do have a Review of the Week so we’re going to get into that and then we’ll dive right in. Okay, so this is from morgane and it says, “I’m Not Alone.” I love that title because Women of Strength, you are not alone. This community is so incredible and we’re all here for you. It says, “This podcast has provided so much comfort for me in coping with my unplanned Cesarean and now planning for VBAC in March. The transition to motherhood has been somewhat lonely for me since most of my friends are not mothers and hello? Pandemic.” So this is a little bit ago, right?  It says, “I am also an aspiring doula and spurred on by these ladies and their work. So thankful I stumbled across this group.”  Oh my gosh. It says, “Us women really are strong.” I love that. Us women really are strong. I could not agree more. You guys, you are strong. You are capable and you have options. If that is not anything and everything that we talk about on this podcast, then I’m doing it wrong and you need to let me know on your next review.  As just a constant reminder, if you wouldn’t mind leaving us a review, that would be so great. You can leave it on Apple Podcasts, Google, or you can even email us.  04:04 First pregnancy and birth Meagan: Okay, Shannon. Uno, dos, tres– three. I’m saying it correctly now. After three Cesareans, you have had quite the different journey with each birth.  Shannon: Yeah. I think each one taught me a little bit more and I probably wasn’t ready for a vaginal birth with my first three. I think that while looking back on my journey it’s difficult, I think it led me to where I am today.  Meagan: Me too. I’m right there. Amen. Same. I love birth and I
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