⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ The Vendor Table is hands down my favorite photography podcast. There are thousands of options out there, but this one? It’s like the espresso shot my creative brain needs. Informative, fresh, and always up to speed with the latest trends (seriously, how do you guys do that?), I find myself hitting “next episode” like it’s Netflix for photographers. I’m currently binge-listening to every single episode they’ve ever made. Yep, I’m that person now. Big thanks to the team for putting in the time to create all this amazing content. You’re awesome, you’re outstanding, and honestly, I might start answering random trivia questions with “Well, I learned on The Vendor Table podcast…” Keep up the amazing work—I’m hooked! Anna Sudyk
lkjrgfltjhrwefg via Apple Podcasts · Canada · 10/24/24
More reviews of The Vendor Table
I honestly cannot remember where I first saw Lauren & Mike’s podcast, but it was during the time when they were suddenly getting picked up by the algorithm. I remember them talking about it during the time that I had just started listening. I do remember just being so taken by them...Read full review »
Jennifer Rapalus via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 07/14/24
I love this podcast! They are so honest and authentic to who they are and very knowledgeable. I love hearing their take on the wedding industry and what they have learned over the many years they have worked within it!
Maddylousmith via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 12/03/23
Found this podcast and it’s absolute GOLD! Entertaining and fun but also informative. Yes they curse, but it’s rated explicit for a reason. I just don’t listen to it when the kids are around. If you need a laugh after working a long wedding season, this duo is top notch.
TonieAD via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 09/10/24
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