In part 2 of our sitdown with Vimeo's principal codec engineer Thomas Daede, he shares how AV1 is making 10-bit HDR the new standard for all online video. He also shares his views on the best way to evaluate the quality of an encoder, including the ever-debated VMAF scoring method. Is it the best approach, or are there other scoring systems that should be included? Watch the full video version. Learn more about Visionular and get more information on AV1.
Published 09/16/22
If you've been around the video codec world at all, then Thomas Daede is a familiar name. From his early days in trying to find a way to stream digital video for FPV RC planes to his cutting-edge work at Vimeo, Thomas is a legend. We dive into how he got started, shedding light on the early days of VP9, HEVC, and the AV1 standard developments in this 2 part series. Thomas contributed significantly to the open source AV1 codec and continues to as he shares where the codec is headed. Visit...
Published 09/02/22
In this special interview with Debargha Mukherjee, Principal Engineer at Google, you will gain critical insights into the development of AV1, including three tools that give AV1 a unique advantage in the market. You’ll want to listen to the end where Debargha shares secrets for how to get the most from a new codec standard so that you can be assured that your codec evaluations are as accurate as possible. Visit the interview page for a full transcript and to watch the video. Learn more...
Published 07/08/22