The Languages of Energy
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It was Rumi who said 'there is a voice that doesn’t use words - Listen?' But how do you speak to the universe? How does it speak to us? Why is all this chatting going on?  And are there any instructions to picking up the telephone line? Why do we have a sixth sense? Is intuition natural ? Or can we all tune in? Simple or very complicated - you decide? Imagine for a moment that you are only fluent in one verbal and written language, when suddenly you find yourself dropped off on a new planet, where everyone speaks a language you don’t understand.  The sounds, symbols, the nuances are all different. New senses need to be activated or old parts of the mind need to be awakened. Learning the language of spirit world, energy and the Woo Woo Verse is a not always easy, but it is completely worth it.  Come with Kirileigh and Lynette as they go deep and spend some time getting bilingual, weaving the physical and non physical worlds together with the language  as their focus.  Join them as walk you through their guide to "The Language of Energy” and all things related to it.  Keep the conversation going on our socials by following us @woowooverse and keep the #WholeSquadVibratingHigher by leaving us an iTunes written review with a sprinkling of stars. To find out more about this episode and access any downloadable material visit us
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