One of the greatest, quickest and most powerful ways to speak to the divine flow is to pray.
For so many of us that journey was tainted and complicated.
Or, perhaps we missed the teaching and essence of the experience all together.
As we pray, we open to be heard.
We open to divine connection and assistance.
We begin to direct the flow.
Join Kirileigh as she guides us through a prayer journey.
And so we pray in every moment that we need help, support, soothing or clarity.
And into the universe we send our words, thoughts, needs and divine requests for them to be answered.
And so it is.
If you enjoy this bonus and would like to hear, feel and receive more bonus content from The Woo Woo 'Verse- please do us a favour and in the theme of the language of energy's episode on symbolic sight...and prayer- please leave us 5 stars and as many prayer hand emojis as you can possible muster with a written iTunes review.
Also have a stroll around to meet your hosts and find out other ways to connect, submit questions and just down right have fun. Hey- you can also follow us on Insta
How are Woo?
Sorry left you hanging there ... Pandemics, tik tok, solar flares, floods, timeline shifts, consciousness upgrades -
you know, those little things..
How are you doing out there? Chakras in the upright position, or not sure what day it is?
We felt it was time for a group hug, a...
Published 08/24/22
We're revisiting the season 2 questions that our listeners (aka the Woo Woo Crew) sent in ... They included everything from needing more information on Twin Flames, the Dark Forces, favourite Meditations, Crystals, requesting more information about the energy of Truth, what to do before we...
Published 02/17/21