Shiur from Rabbi Elimelech Kohn Ztl on ראש השנה.
Numerous reasons why we blow the Shofar on Rosh Hashana, and the underlying themes of these different and sometimes conflicting reasons.
The Shlah's explanation of why we end each set of Tekiaos with a Tikiya Gedolah, and why the confounding of the Yeitzer Hara only happens after the second Tikiya.
How the blowing of the Shofer encompasses both elements of T'shuva Meahava and T'shuva Meyirah.
Published 09/30/24
Shiur from Rabbi Elimelech Kohn Ztl on ראש השנה.
Published 09/30/24
Shiur from Rabbi Elimelech Kohn Ztl on ראש השנה.
• Why does the Torah call Rosh Hashana a Yom Teruah (referring to Shofar) which is only one of the Mitzvos of the day, but nowhere is it mentioned that it's the beginning of the new year and a day of judgment - the defining feature of the holiday?
• What are the connections between the 4 places the Torah mentions the Shofar that are all incorporated in the Bracha of Shofros in Musaf; The Akida, Matan Torah, The Mitzvah on Rosh...
Published 09/30/24
Shiur from Rabbi Elimelech Kohn Ztl on Elul.
Published 09/29/24
Shiur From Rabbi Elimelech Kohn Ztl' on ימים נוראים.
The Gemara teaches that for those who forgo the grievances against them, Hashem reciprocates and will overlook the evil you might have committed.
The significance of the סימנים and the importance of how you act on Rosh Hashana.
The attitude one should have on Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. Should one cry? The diffrent opinions and R' Yisrael Slanter's compromise.
Published 09/29/24
Shiur from Rabbi Elimelech Kohn Ztl on פרשת נצבים-וילך.
Lessons we can learn from Moshe Rabeinu and R' Yisrael Salanter on their last day of life.
The Sforno explains what the Pasuk means that Teshuva is not in the heavens nor in a distant land.
What was special about Reuven that Chazal say he was the first person to perform Teshuva; What about Adom, Kayin, and others who also did Teshuva?
Published 09/25/24
Shiur from Rabbi Elimelech Kohn Ztl on פרשת וילך.
Published 09/25/24
Shiur from Rabbi Elimelech Kohn Ztl on פרשת כי תבא.
• What does the Medrash mean that the world was created on account of Mitzvas Bikurim?
• Understanding the preciousness of Mitzvas Bikurim that it manifests an acceptance of Hashem's Hashgachas Pratis.
• The Alshich writes that the Torah attaches great importance to the Mitzvah of Bikurim because it demonstrates the Middah of Hakaros Hatov. For this reason, we allow employees to stop their work and join in the celebration of...
Published 09/16/24
Shiur from Rabbi Elimelech Kohn Ztl on פרשת כי תבא.
• A deeper look into the Parsha of Bentching: why does the Torah only have a Mitzvah to make a ברכה after the meal when one is satiated, it would seem more logical to make a Bracha before we eat.
• The Ksav Sofer explains why we use the Loshon of השקיפה (look down at us) in the Bracha after bringing Bikkurim, which has negative connotations.
• The Rambam discusses why the Brachos in this week's Parsha are all of a physical...
Published 09/16/24
Shiur from Rabbi Elimelech Kohn Ztl on פרשת כי תבא, continuing the topic of Rabbinic Authority.
Published 09/16/24
Shiur from Rabbi Elimelech Kohn Ztl on פרשת כי תצא.
Understanding some of the underlying causes for Ben Sorer U'moreh and how these issues are prevalent in today's society. These are crucial lessons in Chinuch and one will be rewarded with healthy and happy children.
R' Moshe Paskens that marijuana and other drugs are Assur to use because they cause addictive behaviors similar to the Ben Sorer U'moreh.
Discussing the proper way and method to discipline children. One must...
Published 09/12/24
Shiur from Rabbi Elimelech Kohn Ztl on פרשת כי תצא.
Understanding some of the underlying causes for Ben Sorer U'moreh and how these issues are prevalent in today's society. These are crucial lessons in Chinuch and one will be rewarded with healthy and happy children.
R' Moshe Paskens that marijuana and other drugs are Assur to use because they cause addictive behaviors similar to the Ben Sorer U'moreh.
Discussing the proper way and method to discipline children. One must...
Published 09/10/24
Shiur from Rabbi Elimelech Kohn Ztl on פרשת כי תצא, continuing the topic of Rabbinic authority.
Discussion regarding the commandment to listen to Rabbinical decrees. When is it considered a Biblical violation for not adhering to the Rabbinical decrees?
Why does the Torah punish a Ben Soreh U'moreh (wayward son) for his expected future actions (‘Nidone Ol Shem Sofo’)? The Gemara expounds from Yishmoel that there is a concept of "B'asher Who Shum’- One is only judged for his...
Published 09/10/24
Shiur from Rabbi Elimelech Kohn Ztl on פרשת שופטים.
The Yalkut and Zohar bring a Medrash where Malachaim questioned Hashem why the Torah has more compassion for animal blood than Jewish blood. Hashem's response is alluded to in a Pasuk at the beginning of the Parsha.
R' Chatzkel Levenstein encouraged the Bochurim to feel the fear and anguish of their fellow Jews as if the Yeshiva was physically at the battlefields.
This lesson of sensitivity is the reason why Eglah Arufa is...
Published 09/05/24
Shiur from Rabbi Elimelech Kohn Ztl on אלול.
• The Sefarim bring down from the Arizal that Teshuva during Elul is classified as Teshuva M'Ahava (love), which has the awesome power to restore all the time wasted doing Aveiros. In contrast, Teshuva on Rosh Hashanah is classified as Teshuva M'Yirah (fear) and only wipes the slate clean, but the person is still accountable for wasted time and opportunities.
• The Chofetz Chaim learns from the Pasuk in Ki Tetzei that if one simply...
Published 09/04/24
Shiur from Rabbi Elimelech Kohn Ztl on פרשת שופטים.
• The Chida explains that the Torah uses a singular expression in the first Pasuk, שפטים ושטרים תתן לך בכל שעריך "guards 'you' should place in all 'your' gates," to teach us that every individual must enforce their own personal standard. R' Chaim Vital adds that the gates in the Pasuk allegorically refer to the "gates" of the human body (the eyes, ears, mouth, etc.).
• A Pshat, that שעריך "your gates" pertain to the home, and...
Published 09/03/24
Shiur from Rabbi Elimelech Kohn Ztl on פרשת שופטים, on the topic of Rabbinic Authority.
A fascinating letter written by R’ Moshe Feinstein in response to Governor Rockefeller’s inquiry regarding the Jewish perspective on the death penalty.
Ramban’s explanation on why one must listen to Chazal, even if they are clearly mistaken in their Psak.
Chazan Ish’s response to being asked if halachic rulings can/should be re-assessed based on new manuscripts that were found in the...
Published 09/03/24
Shiur from Rabbi Elimelech Kohn Ztl on פרשת ראה.
• We learn a lesson from the first Pasuk, that an individual can affect the entire world by his actions.
• R' Akiva Eiger has a Pshat in a cryptic Ba'al Haturim.
• Three Peshatim on the Pasuk אחרי ה' אלוקיכם תלכו, after Hashem you shall follow. Why does the Torah use an expression that implies the person is far from Hashem?
Published 08/29/24
Shiur from Rabbi Elimelech Kohn Ztl on פרשת ראה.
Published 08/28/24
Shiur from Rabbi Elimelech Kohn Ztl on פרשת עקב.
Published 08/23/24
Shiur from Rabbi Elimelech Kohn Ztl on פרשת עקב. Continuing the topic of Birchas Hamazon.
Two approaches, from the Even Haezra and Bais Halevi, in explaining the Torah prohibition of the emotion of jealousy. Understanding why Lol Sachmod is part of the עשרת הדיברות and how it connects with the first of the דיברות (Anochi Hashem).
Explaining why Chazal added a fourth Bracha to Benching in honor of the miracle at Beitar.
Recognizing the ways that Hashem provides for the Jewish...
Published 08/21/24
Shiur from Rabbi Elimelech Kohn Ztl on פרשת עקב.
Why is the Mitzvah only to Bless Hashem after eating? It would seem more logical (as the Gemara writes) to make a Bracha before eating.
Two Peshatim why the Torah considers the מן to be a "test" for the Bnei Yisrael in the desert.
R' Shamshon Refael Hirsch examines the similar roots of the words לחם (bread) and מלחמה (war), and writes that Bentching with a Zimun promotes Achdus and prevents conflict and war.
Published 08/21/24
The second part of the Shiur from Rabbi Elimelech Kohn Ztl on the topic of Bein Adam L'chaveiro.
R' Chaim Shmulevitz examines a few Gemaras in which we see that terrible consequences result when people hurt others, even unintentionally!
The Margolis Hayom explains why the Gemara praises ר' יהודה בר אלעאי, that in his generation six people shared a Tallis. Why is ר' יהודה בר אלעאי praised for the action of his Talmidim?
Why did the first batch of Talmidim of Rabbi Akiva die...
Published 08/21/24
Shiur from Rabbi Elimelech Kohn Ztl on the topic of Bein Adam L'chaveiro. Related to the Shiur on Devarim.
A discussion highlighting the difference between punishment for sin and the consequence of sin.
Why Chazal praise the generation of ר' יהודה בר אילאי, that six of his Talmidim shared one garment. How do six people share one Tallis?
R' Chaim Shmulevitz discusses two prerequisites for קבלת התורה and how these two Middos were exemplified by the Talmidim of R' Yehuda Bar Ilai.
Published 08/20/24
Shiur from My Father Rabbi Kohn ZT"L on פרשת ואתחנן.
Why did Moshe Rabeinu have such an overwhelming desire to enter Eretz Yisrael?
R' Yechezkal Abramsky found meaning and Chizuk in the Modeh Ani Tefilla, helping him thrive during his bitter exile in Siberia.
The Nefesh Hachaim provides the secret to miracles, as illustrated by the story of R' Chanina Ben Dosa and the witch.
Published 08/15/24