Episode Forty-Eight, entitled 'THE WOMEN OF EXODUS’ opens with Sayings of our Sages about the Spiritual Superiority of Jewish Women at the time of our National Liberation from Egypt. The Torah Truth, however, goes far beyond the teachings about the Trusting Women who historically helped break the chains and shackles of our Egyptian Exile. Instead, the dynamic nature of Feminine Faith was about Empowering the Future Generations! In this Episode we will achieve a radical new understanding of the unique abilities Hashem endowed women that can and should be harnessed to accelerate the process of Redemption and to hasten the coming of Moshiach in our time! Drawing on a wide range of classic exoteric, and esoteric Torah texts, the Rebbe methodically built a highly compelling case for today’s Jewish Women to assume their rightful role in leading Am Yisrael towards the Geula Shlaima (Messianic Redemption) today. This incredible discovery about special force of spirit woven into the fabric of Feminine Faith and Trust should inspire, motivate, and enable us all to try harder to bring Moshiach Now! This Episode comprising the Forty-Eighth segment of an ongoing study series on The Geula, our final Redemption referred to as the Coming of Moshiach (Messiah) is being presented on Chof Bais Shevat the Yahrzeit-Hilula of the Lubavitcher Rebbetzin, Chaya Mushka Schneerson, soulmate of our beloved Rebbe, of righteous memory.