Is Selling On Etsy Right for You?
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Listen, Etsy is NOT right for everyone. In this episode, I am giving you some questions to think through, examples of who IS a good fit for Etsy and who IS NOT a good fit for Etsy.  Do you have the desire to sell on Etsy? Are you willing to invest the time, energy, money, and effort into your shop? Are you committed to it? Are you committed to continually learning and maintaining it? If you answered yes to the desire but no to any of these, ask yourself: What is one small thing I can do today? What is something I can do to turn that no into a yes? Join my FREE Etsy Facebook Community: If Etsy is right for you, you can learn Everything Etsy from me in my Energize your Etsy Course: This episode is sponsored by Canapy. Learn more and create your free account here: 
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