While Japan’s crematoriums are under the influence of Chinese money, Japan rolls out its AI crime prevention technology to Latin America, but is it too late to curb China’s expansion into the Pacific? Meanwhile, AI Country Music might end up as the real winner with a bevy of new Generated Stars.
Kanagawa Prefecture Aikawa Town: Three chicken coops burn down at a chicken farm, killing about 45,000 chickens (神奈川 愛川町 養鶏場で鶏舎3棟焼け約4万5000羽死ぬ|NHK 首都圏のニュース)
Chinese money in Japanese Crematoriums) 中国資本傘下の火葬場「東京博善」またも値上げ。東京23区内でシェア7割、商売敵も皆無でやりたい放題かと募る都民の不満 | マネーボイス
A Novel Solution to Public Security: Japan’s AI-Based Crime Prediction | The Government of Japan
世界初!ENEOSとPreferred Networksが、AI技術による原油処理装置の自動運転を開始
Self-driving bus crashes after switching to manual mode to overtake Yahiko village
China's Sinopec To Build Gas Pipelines For Saudi Aramco In $1-Billion Deal
The Jiangnan military shipyard in #Shanghai is now building the following warships:
2 helicopter carriers Type 075 & Type 076
Type 055 large destroyers / cruisers.
Type 054A frigates
Type 052DL destroyers
3 Coast Guard ships
Jiangnan is one of 2 military shipyards in Shanghai. The other one is the Hudong-Zhonghua Shipyard.
The Jiangnan military shipyard built China's 3rd aircraft carrier, the Fujian.
China eyes Sea of Japan access via Russia-North Korea border river
North Korean Tankers spotted at Russia’s Vostochny Port; Brazen Oil Product Smuggling Becomes the Norm