Were you a rich kid growing up? Garner and Bryce are talking about all the signs that some kids had money. Maybe it was the cool new clothes, maybe it was the best school supplies, or maybe you had the nicest bike in class.
Published 05/06/24
Garner and Bryce are talking about your wedding photos and how they didnt turn out as perfect as you hoped. Maybe there is a black eye in there, or a broken arm. They also talk about people who have lost their dentures or fake teeth. Turns out that is way more common than you'd think.
Published 05/03/24
Garner and Bryce are talking about the things that make you paranoid! Maybe its the idea that a murderer is in your house, or maybe its just that you forgot to unplug your hair straightener.
Published 05/01/24
Have you had one of those moments where you realize that you are becoming exactly like your parents? Garner has found this recently as he's become a religious door lock checker.
Published 04/30/24
Have you ever broken the law? Garner and Bryce are talking about living a life of crime today. Maybe you robbed a bank, maybe you stole a car, maybe you accidently took a bar of soap from the grocery store. Its all the same in the eyes of the police.
Published 04/29/24
Why do all teens become embarrassed about being seen with their parents? It happens to almost all of us...but sometimes your parents give you good reason to be embarrassed. Garner and Bryce want to hear those stories!
Published 04/26/24
Did you get grounded when you were a kid? Garner and Bryce talk about the punishments you got back in the day.
Published 04/25/24
Have you ever started a fire? Hopefully not, but Garner and Bryce are hearing from people who did. They also talk about a new TV commercial that is making Garner confused.
Published 04/23/24
Garner and Bryce take a stroll down memory lane and talk about the birthday parties you had as a kid. Maybe it was bowling, maybe it was sleepovers. How did you celebrate back in the day?
Published 04/19/24
Garner and Bryce talk about one of their passions: Crime Stoppers. They both have dreams of not only starring in one of their fine videos, but also snitching and getting pair. They also talk about people who insists on being called 'Doctor' all the time.
Published 04/18/24
Garner and Bryce continue to talk about the things you are keeping track of. Turns out everyone alive is learning a new language.
Published 04/17/24
Today Garner and Bryce are talking about the things you are always keeping track of. Maybe its steps, maybe its calories burnt, maybe its number of hours spend playing games. They also talk about the tandem bike. Has anyone ever enjoyed a bicycle built for two?
Published 04/16/24
Everyone is looking to make some extra cash these days. Are you getting into the flipping game? Looking for sweet deals online then flipping it for fat stacks? Garner and Bryce dive deep.
Published 04/15/24
Have you ever thought about whether or not you have a weird clap? Well thrilling news, Garner and Bryce are happy to offer a free clap check to make sure you arent a strange clapper.
Published 04/12/24
Garner and Bryce are talking about that time you were in over your head. Ever found yourself in a situation with little to no idea how to get out of it?
Published 04/11/24
After a long day, or a long week...how do you treat yourself? Do you buy a sweet treat? Do you do a fun activity? Garner and Bryce want to know what you do to pamper yourself.
Published 04/10/24
Garner and Bryce continue to talk about the lunches you brought to school. What would you bring that would make you super excited? And why is kids bringing smoked oysters to school so funny?
Published 04/09/24
After hearing that Lunchables are returning to Canada after 15 years away, Garner and Bryce start talking about your school yard lunches.
Published 04/08/24
People are pretty curious creatures, and today Garner and Bryce tap into that with a new segment called 'What happens if...?' They try to answer your most pressing questions. They also talk more about the dumb things you did as a kid.
Published 04/05/24
We all have done something stupid at one point in our lives. Today Garner and Bryce are talking about the dumb things you did. Garner is also rattled after a workplace food thief took all the creamer at the radio station.
Published 04/04/24
With so many people moving to Alberta these days, Garner and Bryce play a little game of 'where did you come from?' They want to know if making the move worked out for you or not. They also talk more about the beloved Crown Royal bags.
Published 04/03/24
Do you take it personally when you try to give something away for free, but even then nobody wants it? Garner and Bryce talk about that today. They also wonder if those leftover purple Crown Royal bags are the new junk drawer? They are all filled with so much random stuff.
Published 04/02/24
Garner and Bryce discovered some mystery pizza outside the radio station today. Looks like someone got a pie delivered, but never collected it. A full pizza, just sitting on the sidewalk. The question....do they eat it? No indication how long its been there, or if anyone sneezed on it...
Published 04/01/24
Garner and Bryce continue to hear stories of people getting their emotional frames bent at a young age. Turns out movies and TV can warp a young mind. Who knew?
Published 03/28/24
Garner and Bryce continue to celebrate the dull things in life that bring you great joy. That leads to a conversation about things from your youth that left you scarred for life. Who knew couponing could be so damaging?
Published 03/27/24