We’re celebrating our 20th episode week with one of our besties!
Katie Middlemiss is a midwife, mama to two and reality tv star (her and her husband competed in House Rules 2019) and entrepreneur extraordinaire who is about to launch her next venture. In this special episode Skye and Rhi chat to Katie about the show Sex Life and peek behind the curtain of reality tv as Katie reveals behind the scenes info of filming House Rules while balancing motherhood.
Spoiler alert: Rhi and Katie reveal the ending of Sex Life
This episode is paired with Peter Lehman ‘The Barossan’ Grenache and Jim Barry Watervale Riesling and best enjoyed with your closest girlfriends cuddled up on a couch under a blanket (or virtually via House party)!
Rhi and Skye debrief the year that's been, share their hopes and dreams for the new year, what they're looking forward to.
Best paired with a Pimms or Rum and Tonic on your kid's bunk bed (wink).
Published 11/29/22
Rhi and Skye discuss keeping up with loved ones in this business of motherhood/work/wife life and share their tips and tricks (or fails!). Plus all the usual faves to give you a chance to top up.
Best paired snuggled with your bestie and a hot cup of tea!
Published 11/04/22