Join Grant and Robin for the third installment of their new series "Bread Crumbs". In this series, we explore and discuss a variety of biblical issues that arise during our personal studies and conversations. For more teachings by Grant Luton (and to print the notes), visit our website: https://www.TorahTodayMinistries.org And when you visit, be sure to subscribe to our bi-weekly newsletter, which will keep you up to date with news, photos, and upcoming events at Torah Today Ministries.
Published 12/08/23
This four-part series covers one of the last understood topics in the Bible. Though the Scriptures discuss the body, soul, and spirit in detail, it is rarely taught upon in most faith communities. The concepts presented here are foundational for a clear understanding of God's work of salvation and restoration of the human being. (The material presented here grew out of a series of teachings first presented at a conference held in Stevens Point, Wisconsin in August 2023.) For more teachings...
Published 11/29/23
What did Yeshua mean when He said that the meek "shall inherit the earth"? He must have been thinking about this psalm since that phrase is used here five times! We also learn what it means to shepherd out faith as we also encounter an [almost] untranslatable word. This psalm provides great comfort when it appears that the wicked are winning and the righteous are losing. Throughout this psalm, we are commanded to "fret not", and are taught why. For more teachings by Grant Luton (and to print...
Published 11/22/23
In this episode of Bread Crumbs, we continue our discussion "This Is About That" by looking at Jacob's ladder, Rebekah's twins, and the word "word" and how reading itself is a spiritual pursuit. For more teachings by Grant Luton (and to print the notes), visit our website: https://www.TorahTodayMinistries.org And when you visit, be sure to subscribe to our bi-weekly newsletter, which will keep you up to date with news, photos, and upcoming events at Torah Today Ministries.
Published 11/19/23
At the end of Galatians 4, Paul shares an allegory about two mountains, two mothers, two sons, and two covenants. This allegory, which Paul intended to bring clarity to his readers, has been a source of confusion for centuries! What is Paul actually trying to say? In this discussion, we take this passage verse by verse and discover that it is not confusing after all. For more teachings by Grant Luton (and to print the notes), visit our website: https://www.TorahTodayMinistries.org And when...
Published 11/16/23
In this psalm, we hear two voices: the voice of evil itself inside the human being, and the voice of the spirit within each person. These two voices offer opposing counsel: one urges us to do what is right in our own eyes - "do things your way" - and the other, to do what is right in God's eyes. This psalm describes the two opposing forces at work in the world today and provides sound advice for leading a righteous and successful life. For more teachings by Grant Luton (and to print the...
Published 11/10/23
In this first episode of our new series, we discuss one of the most fundamental principles for unlocking God's Word, namely opening up the myriad word pictures and object lessons through which God grants us spiritual understanding. This is the first of (at least) two parts on this subject, and we look at such things as trees, bread, human physiology, the sun and moon, and a few other examples illustrating that THIS (physical things) is about THAT (spiritual things). For more teachings by...
Published 10/31/23
I began the study of this psalm the morning that Hamas began their attack on innocent Israeli civilians. I did not realize then that this psalm perfectly describes Israel's enemies and even identifies Hamas by name! Psalm 35 serves as a timely prayer for the people of Israel. For more teachings by Grant Luton (and to print the notes), visit our website: https://www.TorahTodayMinistries.org And when you visit, be sure to subscribe to our bi-weekly newsletter, which will keep you up to date...
Published 10/27/23
What did Paul mean when he said that we were under a "child minder" or "guardian" until faith came? And what does the phrase "under the Law" mean? Now that we are not "under the Law", are we excused from obeying it? If I am led by the spirit, do I need to pay attention to and obey the Torah? This key section of Galatians found in 3:23 to 4:8 answers these questions and gets right to the heart of Paul's message to the community in Galatia. For more teachings by Grant Luton (and to print the...
Published 10/25/23
How could God bless David for acting like a mad man?! And how do we, as mere human beings, "bless God"? We also discuss why this acrostic psalm skips a letter of the alphabet, and what it means to fear God. This amazing psalm is packed with beauty and precious insights. For more teachings by Grant Luton (and to print the notes), visit our website: https://www.TorahTodayMinistries.org And when you visit, be sure to subscribe to our bi-weekly newsletter, which will keep you up to date with...
Published 10/11/23
In this episode of Be Our Guest, Robin interviews a dear friend (and one of our spiritual heroes) Kim House. Kim's story is one that could have been a tragedy, but through wise and godly choices Kim's story is one of beauty and victory. A single mother of six children, Kim is a true woman of valor. Prepare to be inspired and encouraged by this brave woman's story of faith. You can read Kim more of Kim's story and her insights into Sabbath by clicking HERE. For more teachings by Grant Luton...
Published 10/08/23
In this final Parsing the Portion discussion, we do a brief comparison between Jacob's blessings of his 12 sons at the end of his life and Moses' blessing of the 12 tribes here at the end of his life. We learn about the ancient concept of the Torah being "black fire on white fire" and how the unrolling of the scroll is a picture of spiritual growth. Finally, we discuss how Joshua's relationship to Moses reflects Yeshua's relationship to the Torah. For more teachings by Grant Luton (and to...
Published 10/06/23
In this episode of Be Our Guest, I interview my good friend Wally Collingwood, who has one of the most amazing (even bizarre!) life stories of anyone I have ever known. Wally's story includes time in the U.S. Air Force, experiences with the occult, incarceration in the Mansfield Reformatory (of Shawshank Redemption fame), supernatural deliverance, and decades of service in building God's Kingdom both in prisons and our own home turf in Hartville, Ohio. Prepare to be blessed by Wally's...
Published 09/24/23
In this third discussion of key concepts in Galatians, we consider the Torah's two primary roles (plus a third role that you may find surprising!). We will also gain a clearing understanding of the relationship between "law and grace", i.e. walking in obedience to the Torah versus walking in the spirit. A Little More Courage PodcastA Little More Courage is all you need to unleash from fear and live an abundant life!Listen on: Apple Podcasts   Spotify For more teachings by Grant Luton (and to...
Published 09/21/23
This one-chapter Torah portion contains the Song of Moses. We discuss the similarities and differences between the Song of the Sea (Exodus 15) and the Song of Moses, which was composed forty years later. Then, we discuss why the Song of Moses is not sung until near the end of the Bible in Revelation 15. Why is this song not sung before then? And what is the Song of the Lamb? And why are these two songs sung together? These and other fascinating insights are discussed in this episode. We think...
Published 09/18/23
In this discussion, Kamal and Grant discuss: What is the primary theme that God conveys through His word?What is the purpose of our relationship with God?How do you define intimacy with God?Why do some people pretend to have a relationship with God?What are the hallmarks of a false relationship with Go?How do we move on from a list of dos and don'ts to having a genuine, pure relationship with God?Since Messiah is coming for a pure and spotless bride, how does she prepare? For more teachings...
Published 09/14/23
With its many musical expressions, this beautiful psalm of praise is the perfect capstone to the series concerning Yeshua's sufferings on the cross. In this study, we will define what praise is biblically. We will also look into the terms righteousness and justice, which are, after all, the foundation of God's throne (Psalm 89:14). Then we close the psalm's use of five expressions to describe God's 'eyesight' and perception of the world. For more teachings by Grant Luton (and to print the...
Published 09/08/23
In this discussion, Grant and Kamal talk about: What is wisdom?What is understanding?What is counsel?What is spiritual power?What is knowledge?What is fear?What is faith?What is hope?What is love? For more teachings by Grant Luton (and to print the notes), visit our website: https://www.TorahTodayMinistries.org And when you visit, be sure to subscribe to our bi-weekly newsletter, which will keep you up to date with news, photos, and upcoming events at Torah Today Ministries.
Published 09/07/23
This double portion contains Moses' appeal to all of Israel across all of time to be faithful to God and to His commandments. He places before them the choice of life or death, blessing or curse. Moses tells them to emulate two qualities of their past enemies Pharaoh and Sichon. We discover an amazing prophecy about Israel's current exile in the 5708th verse of the Bible. We then discuss what a "root of bitterness" actually is. (And it's not what you think.) Then we end with a question: when...
Published 09/05/23
In this second discussion of key concepts in Galatians, we look at Judaism's definition of "Torah" only to discover that Judaism has two of them! This has led to great confusion for Gentiles as they read this important book. Though we do not actually look into the book of Galatians itself in this discussion, the concepts addressed here are vital to our ability to understand Paul's message. For more teachings by Grant Luton (and to print the notes), visit our website:...
Published 09/04/23
Robin hosts her friend, Hannah Nitz, to discuss the sacred rest we are invited to experience as God’s people. Hannah realizes that modern church culture can wring us out and strain our family life. Robin and Hannah enjoy a candid and light-hearted discussion about the pursuit of Sabbath joy in an age where it is elusive and even spurned. Hannah Nitz has been involved in many marketing and media ventures for the past decade. Working with ministries and nonprofits, she has shared her expertise...
Published 08/30/23
The entire theme of this portion is fear of God. But, what is fear of God? Why is it discussed so rarely these days? And why is it so important anyway? We also discuss the three things that led to Israel's failures in their walk with God, but see how God was intimately entwined in every facet of their sufferings.  For more teachings by Grant Luton (and to print the notes), visit our website: https://www.TorahTodayMinistries.org And when you visit, be sure to subscribe to our bi-weekly...
Published 08/28/23
In this discussion, Kamal and Grant discuss: What does true fellowship among believers consist of?How is fellowship among believers different from self-help groups, AA groups, and other clubs?How do we balance socializing with seeking God together?How can true fellowship last?How should we deal with offenses that arise in a fellowship?How do we protect ourselves against "wolves in sheep's clothing"?How do we bridge the gap between believers and nonbelievers in a fellowship? For more teachings...
Published 08/24/23
In this amazing portion, we discuss the two kinds of spiritual warfare and precisely who our spiritual enemies are. We will see a practical application for the commandments concerning the beautiful captive and the consequences for acting upon impulse. And why is such a great reward attached to the easiest commandment in the Torah? For more teachings by Grant Luton (and to print the notes), visit our website: https://www.TorahTodayMinistries.org And when you visit, be sure to subscribe to our...
Published 08/23/23
In this conversation, Grant and Kamal discuss: What is the difference between praise and worship?Is it biblical to use music to stir up people emotionally?In the Bible we read of loud cymbals, shouts, and other physical expressions in singing praises to God. Is this emotional manipulation? How do you explain the term "worship music"?Why do much "worship music" today seem so shallow and repetitive?Many praise lyrics speak of how I will do this and that for God. I this appropriate?How do we...
Published 08/17/23