Ep. #113 - Food Security: A Must for Economic Recovery
In celebration of Canada’s International Development Week, the panel discussed how to make food and water security part of global economic recovery. They also explored the roles of the financial, health, and food sectors in driving long-term change and sustainability.Panelists:Elissa Golberg – Ambassador of Canada to Italy, Albania, Malta and San Marino and Permanent Representative of Canada to IFAD, FAO, WFPTimothy N. J. Antoine – Governor, Eastern Caribbean Central BankDr. David Nabarro – Co-lead, UN Global Crisis Response Group on Food, Energy and Finance; Special Envoy on COVID-19, World Health Organization (WHO)Carl Hiralal – Chair, Insurance and Pensions Advisory Board, Toronto CentreRead their biographies here (https://torcentre.sharepoint.com/:b:/s/Files/Ed1FcyZ8Q-5Btby5b74LlyEB3ikL_nJ7zha_06AJHVLRhA?e=yEv7h0). Read the transcript here. (https://torcentre.sharepoint.com/sites/Files/Shared%20Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspx?id=%2Fsites%2FFiles%2FShared%20Documents%2FBios%20%26%20Transcripts%2F2023%20Webinars%2FFood%20Security%20-%20A%20Must%20for%20Economic%20Recovery%20-%2002%2008%202023%20Transcript.pdf&parent=%2Fsites%2FFiles%2FShared%20Documents%2FBios%20%26%20Transcripts%2F2023%20Webinars&p=true&ga=1)
This panel took place at the 2024 International Monetary Fund and World Bank Group Annual Meetings.In today's fast-changing financial landscape, artificial intelligence (AI) is at the forefront of transformation, reshaping how markets operate and how they are regulated. As we embrace AI's immense...
Published 10/31/24
This was the fifth webinar of the series on the revised Core Principles for effective banking supervision. The panel discussed the inclusion of climate risk in the updated Core Principles and highlight why both banks and supervisors should adopt flexible practices to address the evolving nature...
Published 10/01/24