“During the winter of 2016, riddled with despair at the news, I saw that a friend had posted on his Facebook feed a list of podcasts he likes for long drives (or avoiding reality). I’ve always trusted his recommendations, so despite the fact I hadn’t gamed since late 2nd Edition D&D, I picked up Total Party Thrill around episode 60. I was hooked. Is this what my childhood hobby had become? Smart storytelling, witty commentary, wry but enthusiastic hosts? I now look forward to Thursday morning with the anticipation of a mimic who hears first-level characters entering its dungeon. Couple the great structure with excellent sound (why don’t other RPG podcasts use the same gear?), and you’ve got a real winner. 18 months later and I’m DMing an Eberron campaign called Mourning Becomes Electrum. What can I say? I’m a fan.”
Leapyear79 via Apple Podcasts ·
United States of America ·