In this episode Martin Daum meets with Dr. Sigrid Nikutta, CEO of DB Cargo AG and member of the Management Board of Deutsche Bahn. Both discuss the future of freight transport and the importance of transport by rail and on roads. Transport volume is supposed to grow both in Europe and worldwide. In order to cope with the growth, efficient and sustainable road and rail modes are necessary. Thus, the two businesses - transport by rails and by roads - are facing similar challenges. Martin Daum...
Published 08/04/20
In this episode Martin Daum welcomes Nigel Topping who acts as the High Level Champion for Climate Action for the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference scheduled for 2021 in Glasgow, Scotland. Five Years have passed since the Paris Accord. In 2015 the members of the United Nations agreed on regulations to limit global warming. The main goal was to keep the increase of the global average temperature well below 2 °C above pre-industrial levels. So in this episode Martin Daum and Nigel...
Published 06/02/20
In this episode, Martin Daum welcomes via the internet Madame Secretary Madeleine Albright who was the first female United States Secretary of State during the Clinton administration from 1997 to 2001. Both discuss the challenges of global collaboration in times of a crisis like the current coronavirus pandemic. Madeleine Albright was born in Prag, Czechoslovakia, and immigrated to the US with her family at the age of 11. Before she was appointed as Secretary of State under President Bill...
Published 05/05/20
To kick off Season 2 of our 'Transportation Matters' podcast, Daimler Truck CEO Martin Daum remotely connects with Daniel Harkavy, author, leadership expert and CEO of Building Champions, an executive coaching and management development company. The current coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic challenges the daily lives of people around the globe. Most of the private and business life is transferred from public or work spaces into private homes while interaction with friends and...
Published 04/14/20
Daimler Trucks CEO Martin Daum and Head of the news division of Bloomberg Germany Daniel Schaefer discuss globalization and its opportunities and challenges. As leaders of global organizations, the two shed light on why globalization is much more than just trade and economics, why its benefits are not taken for granted by many these days and what responsibilities politics, media and business have to address peoples' concerns and fears. Daniel Schaefer is Head of the German office for...
Published 12/31/19
Martin Daum is a die-hard basketball fan. As the CEO of a global company, he sees similarities in business and sports and often the same basic principles of leadership, team work and performance. In this episode he meets Terry Stotts – the NBA Head Coach of the Portland Trail Blazers. This year Coach Stotts starts his eighth season with the team based in the northwest of the United States. Previously he worked as an assistant coach for different NBA teams – including the 2011 NBA champion...
Published 12/03/19
The latest episode of Transportation Matters is about the ‘Why?’. Why, as a company, are we doing business - beyond making money? What drives us, what gets us up in the morning to give it our best? In other words: What is our purpose? Martin Daum goes after these questions in his conversation with Brad White, a veteran specialized in helping businesses to define and use their purpose beyond the financials. Brad White likes to compare his work to that of an archeologist, who engages in...
Published 11/05/19
In our second episode the focus is on the sustainability in the transport sector, one of the major challenges of our time. Martin Daum hosts a pioneer of sustainable and environmental friendly politics: Joschka Fischer, former Vice Chancellor and Secretary of State of the Federal Republic of Germany and now principal of Joschka Fischer & Company consultants, which he founded ten years ago. Having left active politics a while ago Fischer remains an attentive analyst of the political...
Published 10/01/19
In our opening episode Martin Daum talks to Michael Fleming, a pioneer in the field of automated driving. With his company TORC Michael Fleming has been contributing to automated driving for a wide variety of vehicles for more than 15 years. Now TORC and Daimler Trucks & Buses have teamed up to teach trucks how to move goods safely and efficiently over long distances - thereby revolutionizing the transport of goods. About himself Michael Fleming says he is a "super nerd." He is...
Published 09/03/19
In our podcast “Transportation Matters”, Martin Daum, CEO of Daimler Trucks & Buses welcomes guests from all over the world and all areas of society to discuss exciting topics and pioneering ideas with them. Why is transportation of goods and people essential for our economic development and prosperity? How do you teach a truck autonomous driving? How do you transport goods on streets in an environmentally friendly way? And what does coaching a basketball team, and the business world have...
Published 08/23/19