Max out your credit card to make the bank proud, will Vero and Skyler disappoint Alice by being indifferent to the episode up next? Listen to that episode to find out (it's probable)! Why are so many LA open houses ending in police situations? Also, please, pleeease, go out there and sign up to be a detective for us. Please. Solve some problems. Behind the paywall, we discuss how many organs you can replace in Vedek Bareil and still have yourself a Vedek Bareil, Ferengi dating culture, and more!! Listen on Patreon!!!
Listen to full episodes over on the Treks and the City Patreon, here:
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Before the paywall, we talk exclusive ring services for Dutch gutter punks, whether or not there's tea (there isn't), the best way to deal with a grilling from KTLA, making lifelong friends at 33 Taps, the nightmare of working in entertainment in this day and age, and beyond. Behind the paywall,...
Published 11/07/24
It's the eve of the election, so make sure to go vote! The election's on 11/05, NOT 11/03, but would it kill you to get your ballot in on 11/03?? It would not. A man from Britain is coming to stay for a bit, there are a surprising number of human-size dolls available on Etsy including "Dance With...
Published 10/31/24