The French auteur behind Delicatessen and Amélie discusses his latest film, Micmacs. The story follows Bazil (Dany Boon, Joyeux Noël), raised as an orphan, who now has a bullet lodged in his brain from a previous mishap. Gentle-natured and kind, he exacts a revenge plot against the giant weapons...
Published 05/10/10
The accomplished actor and director (Purple Violets, The Brothers McMullen) talks about his new romantic dramedy, Nice Guy Johnny. The film follows Johnny, a baby-faced 24-year-old who’s about to trade his dream job for something that will pay enough to please his fiancée. Enter Uncle Terry...
Published 05/07/10
The writer-director of Friends with Money discusses her new dramatic comedy Please Give, which follows a couple (Catherine Keener and Oliver Platt) patiently waiting for their elderly next-door neighbor to pass away so they can expand their own apartment. But unexpected relationships with the...
Published 05/06/10