Are we living in a Golden Age of Conspiracy Theories?
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Tricky is the place to discuss difficult questions away from the bear pit of social media. Writer and podcaster Russell Miller, actress Amy Leith, political commentator Dominique Samuels and gaming journalist Jordan Middler discuss the boom in conspiracy theories. Everyday seems to bring a new one whether it’s about COVID, 'the deep state' in the US or what people in power are really up to. Our panel all have conspiracy theories that they believe to be true but at what point does not accepting what you're told at face value become harmful and counterproductive? The internet should give us access to all the information we need to judge what's going on but yet it seems to only make things worse. Is the truth really out there? Producers: Myles Bonnar and Peter McManus Editor: Anthony Browne A BBC Scotland production for Radio 4
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