Oh Dear.
You’ve been drinking the cool aid. TDS. Trump Derrangement Syndrome. Wow ! Anyone who supports Trump is an idiot and a fool and drives a Ute and owns a shot gun right ?? Corrupt press propaganda. Open your eyes man. Watch a bit of Fox and see what’s happening. It’s like The Matrix. You need to be shown. He’ll go down in 20 yrs time as one of the greatest presidents ever. The way the democrats protested and behaved in 2016 was disgraceful. Hey, watch the 2020 documentary The Social Dilemma. The existential algorithm. It explains why people you feel the way you do. You are lucky I joined paid you money last week. ! Cheers. 16/2/2024 episode
DaveFromOz_777 via Apple Podcasts · Australia · 02/17/24
More reviews of Motley Fool Money
Some good stuff but Anirban Mahanty spends the first minute of each answer just waffling and not saying anything then takes 10 minutes conveying 1 minute’s worth of info. I just fast forward as soon as he starts talking. 10 minutes of useful info jammed into an hour of verbal diarrhoea.
Sesto Callende via Apple Podcasts · Australia · 05/24/20
Stopped my jog before it got going listening to your insights on Hartzer, the Board and Westpac. Essentially your summary was the Board appoints a CEO that can run a bank well and we should trust it. Wow. He had one job because a bank runs it self and that’s regulatory and culture. Failed at...Read full review »
SpangherSteve via Apple Podcasts · Australia · 12/04/19
Love ya mate
YoMoma1234 via Apple Podcasts · Australia · 03/22/20
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