In this episode, we delve into one of Denver’s most unsettling true crime stories—the chilling tale of Theodore Coneys, known as the “Denver Spider Man.” It’s 1941, and the city is caught between the lingering shadows of the Great Depression and the looming uncertainty of World War II. But on...
Published 11/01/24
In this chilling episode, we delve into the dark heart of Rostov-on-Don in the 1980s, where a series of gruesome murders turned a Soviet town into a place of fear and suspicion. Andrei Chikatilo, a seemingly ordinary man, preyed upon the vulnerable, leaving a trail of death that spanned over a...
Published 10/30/24
"The Menendez Brothers: Murder, Money and Mystery takes you into one of the most infamous cases in true crime history. On a quiet August night in 1989, the affluent Menendez family was shattered by a brutal double murder in their opulent Beverly Hills mansion. José and Kitty Menendez were found...
Published 10/28/24