Friends (Osiepe) is the story of a boy named Simo describing his friends, Zizo, Lele, Sisa and Ayanda’s hobbies. The story is told in Dholuo and English by Suzanna Owiyo.
Born in Kasaye village, Nyakach near Kisumu city in Kenya, Suzanna Owiyo was introduced to music at a young age by her grandfather who was a prolific Nyatiti player.
She is an award-winning singer whose music is a fusion of traditional western Kenyan music (which features traditional instruments such as the Nyatiti & Orutu) and contemporary rhythms sang primarily in her mother tongue Dholuo and Kiswahili.
Osiepe is written by Zimbili Dlamini and Hlengiwe Zondi.
Translation by Emmaculate Onyango
illustrations by Catherine Groenewald
Language - Dholuo, English
Story source:
Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0
Special thanks to the Kenya National Library Service (KNLS) for providing us with the space
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