In 1970, as a 20-year-old college student, Eva Paterson famously debated Vice President Spiro Agnew on The David Frost Show. She went on to become a fierce advocate for civil rights, eventually working for 26 years at the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights – including more than a dozen years as its executive director. In 2003 Paterson co-founded the Oakland-based Equal Justice Society, which works to close racial divides “through law, social science, and the arts.” Along with advocacy, the Society co-authors amicus briefs to the U.S. Supreme Court on issues of equal protection and litigates civil rights class actions. In December, Paterson spoke with attorney Paul Henderson, the deputy chief of staff, public safety, for the mayor of San Francisco, about her career, affirmative action, the death penalty, and the nature of implicit bias. Series: "Legally Speaking" [Public Affairs] [Show ID: 30070]
Hastings professor Joan C. Williams has been called a “rock star” in the field of gender studies. For more than a quarter of a century, her work in the areas of pregnancy discrimination and work-family accommodation have helped define the issue of gender equality under the law. At Hastings, in...
Published 10/09/15
John Henry Browne is a criminal defense attorney in Seattle who is best known for his work on behalf of the notorious. One of his first clients was Ted Bundy—a vicious, serial killer who murdered scores of women in at least a half-dozen states. More recently, he represented Robert Bales, a former...
Published 12/19/14