More cattle mutilations have been reported, this time in Canada. These cases have been exhaustively investigated yet remain unsolved. Listen in to learn more.
Published 08/23/24
From Triangle UFO's to Cigar Shaped UFO's with a penchant for buzzing passenger jets, August 2024 has been a full month for sightings of the strange and unusual. Listen in to learn more.
Published 08/22/24
December 9, 1965 hundreds of people witnessed a UFO crash near Kecksburg, PA. Among the investigators was the last surviving Blue Book member who was interviewed before her death in 2020. What she said was haunting. Listen in to learn more. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fid3r-jMN0s https://unsolved.com/gallery/kecksburg-ufo/ https://www.wtae.com/article/nearly-50-years-later-kecksburg-ufo-sighting-remains-mystery-3/7462226
Published 08/21/24
The recent UFO invasion recorded over the skies of Palmdale, CA has been conclusively connected to the top secret Airforce facility, Plant 42! Are they Chines Lanterns, Drones or UFO's? Listen in to learn more. https://youtu.be/BGnGqEu-M48?si=FuTQenQ8lCfVBZzY
Published 08/20/24
From terrorizing motorist to harassing campers, California Bigfoot are in no mood to mess around! Listen in to learn more.
Published 08/19/24
2024 has been the summer of UFO's for California! From Palmdale to L.A. people are seeing and recording UFO's across the the state. Listen in to learn more.
Published 08/18/24
Not only was JFK kept out of the loop on UFO's he was also MIA on the top secret PALLADIUM PROJECT where at the risk of starting a nuclear war the Deep-State prodded the Russian Bear. Listen in to learn more.
Published 08/17/24
In this episode we take a deep dive into the backstory of Louis Elizondo and his new memoir. Is Louis the real thing or just another UFO limited hangout? Listen in to learn more.
Published 08/16/24
After five thousand years Stone Henge is giving up more evidence but the question remains, 'How did stone age men drag a thirteen thousand pound rock 500 miles through heavy forest?'.
Published 08/15/24
From phantoms in Africa to full blown abductions of families in Australia UFO's and aliens are making themselves seen across the globe. Listen to learn more.
Published 08/13/24
The alpine forest of Idaho has plenty of Bigfoot sightings. From campers and hunters to Forest Service employees the reports just keep rolling in. Listen in to learn more.
Published 08/12/24
Beginning in 1975 Montana began a rash of UFO sightings, Bigfoot sightings, and gruesome cattle mutilations. It was known as 'The Flap'. Listen in to learn more. https://youtu.be/2hBVVsOplEs?si=6zkZJr_iRQsYWcoU
Published 08/11/24
Emails between Christopher Mellon and an unnamed government employee imply that at least one crashed but intact UFO was recovered from a Kingman AZ crash site and spirited away by the U.S. Government in 1953! Listen in to learn more.
Published 08/10/24
In November of 1953 two Airforce pilots vanished while in pursuit of a UFO over Lake Superior. Still missing after 71 years, what happened? Listen in to learn more.
Published 08/07/24
'What we saw didn't acknowledge us with any gestures or hellos; it just froze with fear, just as we did at the strangeness of each other. ' Strange indeed. Listen in as we discuss these Oregon Bigfoot encounters.
Published 08/05/24
Göbekli Tepe, which means "Potbelly Hill" in Turkish, is a site that dates back to the Pre-Pottery Neolithic period, between 9500 and 8000 BC. It is considered to be the world's oldest known megalithic complex, predating Stonehenge by more than 6,000 years. Could a few hundred stone age builders create this twenty acre stone monument? Listen in to learn more.
Published 08/04/24
After a flood of sightings, encounters and abductions in the southern United States during the 1970's Bill Walters came on the scene in the late 1980's with fantastic claims of his ow and the pictures to match. Listen in to learn more.
Published 08/03/24
Brazil has been known for years as a hotspot for UFO's. Now the videos are rolling in. Listen in to learn more.
Published 08/02/24
New Mexico has an embarrassment of riches when it comes to UFO sightings. In this episode we look at some of these strange but overlooked events.
Published 08/01/24
Listen in as we explore the bizarre world of Squid UFO's and aliens.
Published 07/31/24
From orbs to shape shifters Spain has its share of UFO sightings. Listen in to learn more. https://youtu.be/vE_H85j9WYs?si=VCGMKWkj6OGN-mVU
Published 07/30/24
From prowling remote timber to back yards and grave yards Tennessee has its' fair share of Big Foot encounters. Listen in to learn more.
Published 07/29/24
In a recent book interview Louis Elizondo reveals he was referred to as the Czar of Torture and Darth Vader while working at Gitmo. Listen in to learn more.
Published 07/28/24
Not only does India have some great UFO reports they have the video recordings to back them up! If you would like to see the videos simply go to my youtube channel at: https://youtu.be/ZNYFxcbrlaY?si=Wk2fPbkaEuHuii3S
Published 07/27/24
It is reported that Trump has UFO files. Is that what the were looking for at Mar-Largo and is it related to the two UFO's reported with one being video recorded over the Butler, PA rally? listen in to learn more. https://youtu.be/XGNGRz4J2l8?si=Eb_Tmdo3Rvj8ZW3n https://youtu.be/nWo2gESTWVw?si=yx75p2Sz_PgE4dM4
Published 07/27/24