We catch up on the news we missed on our break and some current news as well covering legalising the dumping of sewage in our rivers, the environmental credentials of the new government, plans to rip up the regulations that protect our wildlife and bird flu sweeping the country. We also talk about the recent paper on the impact of gamebirds on reptiles, successful breeding seasons for a number of birds and butterflies and a bit of info on a our plans for the rest of the year
In the 1st of our episodes recorded at Global Bird Fair, we talk to Luke Massey about the Wildlife haven he and his family have created in Spain: Wild Finca
Published 09/24/24
We talk all about wildlife photography competitions – Vic gives some tips, from her perspective as a judge, on how to enter and we talk about our experiences in competitions and if it is worth entering them anymore.
Published 07/11/24