We watched as you killed Dilan Cruz
We watched as you killed Javier Ordóñez
We watched as you killed 16 civilians in Bogotá.
Sure, you claim there are just a few bad apples,
But A SINGLE ONE could spoil the whole bunch.
We watched as you pushed the people to agree with you.
We watch your black uniforms of death.
As soon as we see you we are afraid.
We watch you and your forces of darkness repress.
We heard the banging bullets all around Colombia.
We know that you are not here to protect and serve,
But to add a little touch of repression.
Isn’t it ironic how you claim to protect and serve,
even though the only thing you protect is wealth and the state?
You are as greedy as snakes.
You turn the lifely color green into a deadly mix of oppression and censorship.
You turn a fight for justice into blood and tears.
You are pawns of the state, you are not who you think you are.
Why the protective gear, if you are the ones who shoot first?
You turn debates into wars.
You turn protests into bloodbaths.
You flip your jacket.
You cover your badge.
You become the slave of your uniform and your beloved institution.
Doesn’t matter if you witness a crime
if you don’t witness the rot inside of your institution.
Thanks to you,
Fighting for justice in Colombia is a death sentence.
Wanting real peace is a death sentence.
We watch, we heard, we now know
The lies you’ve told everyone.
We know about the countless innocents you killed.
There is a big question.
It isn't “What can we do about it?”
It is “What CAN’T we do about it”
“From a slave patrol, to a police force”
Real Madrid is the best team ever I will say for sure,
although several soccer teams have existed all over the world,
not a single soccer sentiment
feels like the one you get when you push your team so they feel treasured.
Either you can call it just clothing or whatever you want,
but a...
Published 04/08/21
Unique suit used by a hero
Symbol of courage as the great eagle and fear zero
More stars than in the sky
Infinite courage, he must-have during the fight, no matter why
Lose or win, a whole country will give you support
Immense love they will show when you arrive at the port
To everyone who...
Published 04/08/21