By Jorge de Campos in Dallas, TX, Fort Worth, TX, Lawton, OK - September 11, 2024 - What does it mean "God imputes righteousness"? "It shall be imputed to us who believe in Him who raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead." This intriguing question is addressed whilst we consider that we need to be living according to God's law.
Published 09/12/24
By Robin Webber in Las Vegas, NV, Redlands, CA, San Diego, CA - September 7, 2024 - As we study Deuteronomy (Hebrew called "Haddebarim": I.E.-"The Words", vs 1:1), as a church family; we explore Chapter 9 which grants us a seamless understanding of the Israel of Old & today's "Israel of God" (Gal.6:16); as we approach the Promise Land, then; & the ultimate Promise Land before us as we now follow that 2nd & Greater Moses - Jesus Christ (Deut. 18:15). We explore God's righteousness,...
Published 09/10/24
By Victor Kubik in Twin Cities, MN - September 7, 2024 - The Resurrection of the Dead is one of the main doctrines of the Chuch (Hebrews 6:1-2). It is the core of the Gospel of the Kingdom of God, I Corinthians 15 is called the Resurrection chapter. It contains five aspects of the Resurrection which is the Resurrection of Jesus Christ and the promise of our resurrection. Those points are: 1. Foundation of this Hope 2. Importance 3. The Order 4. The Nature 5. Ultimate Victory
Published 09/09/24
By Chuck Smith in Murfreesboro, TN - September 7, 2024 - He who overcomes shall be clothed in white garments, and I will not blot out his name from the Book of Life.
Published 09/08/24
By Mario Seiglie in Orange County, CA - August 31, 2024 - In our relationships with others, it is important that we do not offend them. If we do, then it is vital that we reconcile with them in order to resolve our differences and restore peace and respect. In Matthew 18, Christ offers two parables and wise instruction dealing with reconciliation.
Published 09/07/24
By Gary Antion in Cincinnati East, OH - September 7, 2024 - Jesus saw the faith of the helpers of the paralytic man. That means our faith may be seen. Do we know how this occurs? In this sermon we will see what faith is and how our faith may be seen by God and others.
Published 09/07/24
By Rick Shabi in Home Office - September 4, 2024 - As God continues to speak to Ezekiel, the sin of Sodom is described, which undeniably speaks of our time, speaks of the destruction of that evil society, but ends in the hope of Jesus Christ's return and the second resurrection.
Published 09/06/24
By Jorge de Campos in Dallas, TX, Fort Worth, TX, Lawton, OK - September 4, 2024 - God's Plan of Salvation is only made possible by the gospel of Jesus Christ - by what the Father and Christ did through Jesus Christ's life, death and resurrection. That is true for all mankind - Jews and gentiles. This is a gift of God, and not from our works. This gracious act establishes the law of God.
Published 09/05/24
By Donald Ward in East Texas - August 31, 2024 - In this sermon we summarize the clash between the two systems that are competing in America today. The progressives are trying to replace nominal Christian culture and its foundation---the word of God. We show from Scripture what God says about many of the moral issues of the day and that God expects us to serve as watchmen and always be prepared so no day comes on us unexpectedly.
Published 09/03/24
By Jorge de Campos in Dallas, TX - August 31, 2024 - There are generally two approaches to the canonization of the New Testament. They basically revolve around the following: Who has the authority to sanctify (set apart for holy use) the writings? Of course, we as true Christians believe that it is God who has this authority and that He has been faithful to give us His complete Word so that we can grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. But many believe that it...
Published 09/03/24
By Andy Lee in Cleveland, OH - August 31, 2024 - What can we learn and gain from reading the Old Testament? Let's review four ways this part of scripture helps us to understand the great riches in all of the Bible and how it applies to our Christian covenant.
Published 09/03/24
By Rick Shabi in Home Office - August 28, 2024 - This verse by verse Bible Study focuses primarily on Ezekiel 16, Part 1: Like an Adulterous Wife
Published 08/30/24
By Randy Urwiller in East Texas - August 17, 2024 - How do we cope with the bad times of life? We must persevere in hope. Hope is always pointed to the future, always looking forward to better times. But we’re talking about the real deal: a true, living, and vibrant hope! A hope that will be fulfilled! A hope rooted deep in conviction, faith, and trust in God! If that sounds like the hope you’d like to have, that’s good because that’s exactly the hope God offers to every human being,...
Published 08/26/24
By Robin Webber in Las Vegas, NV, Redlands, CA, San Diego, CA - August 24, 2024 - We often speak of "famous last words" of persons of renoun. Will they share blessings, wisdom, and caution? The Epistle of 2 Timothy offers the Apostle Paul's last recorded words as he not only shares them with Timothy, but each of us as disciples of Christ. He speaks of "for I know WHOM I have been fully persuaded" and offers four key metaphors of active discipleship as to move our belief from theory to day-by-...
Published 08/26/24
By Greg Thomas in Cleveland, OH - August 24, 2024 - Did you know there’s a study which shows a simple thing we can do every day that will increase our level of happiness and fulfillment? Let’s review this biblical concept to improve our sense of contentment and joy - regardless of our circumstances - through an abundance mentality.
Published 08/24/24
By Rick Shabi in Cincinnati East, OH - August 24, 2024 - As we look forward to the end of this age and the return of Jesus Christ and the age of His millennial reign, we are reminded of the tests that will come our way. God reminds us what we must do and offers encouraging words to those who are "about to cross over" into a new time in the book of Deuteronomy -- words that are encouragement and a guide for us today in the 21st century.
Published 08/24/24
By Rick Shabi in Cincinnati East, OH - August 24, 2024 - As we look forward to the end of this age and the return of Jesus Christ and the age of His millennial reign, we are reminded of the tests that will come our way. God reminds us what we must do and offers encouraging words to those who are "about to cross over" into a new time in the book of Deuteronomy -- words that are encouragement and a guide for us today in the 21st century.
Published 08/24/24
By Rudy Rangel III in Cincinnati East, OH - August 24, 2024 - Taking a step back can help see that Israel's sins boil down to two evils.
Published 08/24/24
By Rick Shabi in Home Office - August 21, 2024 - In this chapter, where God continues to discuss the sins of Israel that will lead to their ruin, He discusses those who establish "idols in their hearts." Self-deceit and pride lead to blindness of this fatal sin. The chapter also discusses interesting points that God makes concerning righteous men like Noah, Daniel, and Job.
Published 08/23/24
By Mario Seiglie in Orange County, CA - August 10, 2024 - National governments of today fall far short of God's righteousness. There are times that God will allow certain men to be rulers for His purpose. Mainly, the reason is to be a lesson to show the proper way to govern people, or sometimes as a punishment to prompt them into correction. Also, God uses certain men in order to fulfill His prophecies.
Published 08/17/24
By Gary Petty in Murfreesboro, TN - August 17, 2024 - A continuation of the bible prophecy sermon series.
Published 08/17/24
By Paul Moody in Chewelah, WA, Kennewick, WA, Spokane, WA - August 10, 2024 - The Bible talks in multiple places about being willing and cheerful givers. Giving helps us to develop the character of God the Father and Jesus Christ, who have set the example for us. It stores up treasure in heaven! It places our trust in God as the Ultimate Provider in our lives. A giving nature is also a quality of those who will inherit eternal life at the return of Jesus Christ. God loves a cheerful giver!
Published 08/17/24
By David D Schreiber in Springfield, MO - August 10, 2024 - Psalm 103:2-3 Bless the Lord, O my soul, And forget not all His benefits: Who forgives all your iniquities, Who heals all your diseases.
Published 08/16/24
By Chuck Smith in Vero Beach, FL - August 10, 2024 - When Christ comes, pay attention! "HE" will return in glory and power.
Published 08/12/24
By Randy Urwiller in East Texas - August 3, 2024 - Hospitality is a virtue and an aspect of God’s way of life that followers of Jesus Christ need to understand and appreciate and do. More than that, they/we need to be practicing hospitality God’s way for it is vital to becoming more like Christ.
Published 08/12/24