“Is completely annoying, plays back to back, over and over, and you should drop it. Also, do better on the podcast. Your wild speculations are not going to age well.”
uktopgear via Apple Podcasts ·
United States of America ·
“Good for timelines but lacking deeper information. Everything I have learned on here thus far I was able to gather fairly quickly on TikTok or Reddit. Hoping for deeper intel as we go.”
alea5128 via Apple Podcasts ·
United States of America ·
“Couldn’t they just check where the boyfriend’s phone was during the time of the calls? i mean he could easily just left the phone at home… but like think about this: what 20-21 year old leaves their house without their phone? Kids now adays are so dependent on their phones that it’s almost...”Read full review »
truecrimejunkyard via Apple Podcasts ·
Canada ·
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