"The move to Dubrovnik was very difficult, especially at the beginning, for various reasons" - Sergi Cabanas
You might think that as the Spanish world champion in water polo you have or have had few low points. Sergi Cabanas reports today in the second part of our conversation that this is not necessarily the case.
In retrospect, Sergi may have spent too long during his early career at his favorite club, Sabadell. But there were good reasons for this, at least from the perspective of the time. But what is different in Dubrvnik these days and why was the move to Croatia so important? Sergi tells us today about this and what was the most important thing about the change.
What were his personal most important moments, what were the most difficult ones including an initial depression and what does all of this have to do with a tattoo? How does he and the Spanish national team perceive the pressure and what does that do to you?
And last but not least, we talk about the important role of a coach during all these phases and how Sergi perceived and accepted it.
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