Sally and her crew have an uneasy welcome to the Roanoke, as it is clear that there are two very different command structures on board.  Finally meeting the mysterious Colonel Maxwell, Sally must take the upper hand right away to ensure that she will have control of the weapon installed on the ship.  And, in the darkness of the outbound journey, Jackie's strange sadness begins to errupt into nightmares.
Published 06/15/11
With only six days to prepare for a mission that will take her away for two years, Sally has her work cut out for her.  One of her most significant trips takes her to England where she meets with Ian Merryfield, an excellent pilot and her best friend, though the decission to take the mission may well depend on his wife Angela.  Once in space, they prepare to depart from Stepping Stone Station, but notice trouble already.  A mysterious structure has been added to the Roanoke with no...
Published 06/13/11
Sally has only just arrived home, but now she is needed again.  She has no idea what to expect when the U.N. Space Commissioner calls her into his office for a hushed meeting, but when she hears that a Japanese ship may be on its way to New Ontario, she knows her homecoming will be short-lived.  This time she will be commanding a military ship, which apparently includes a mysterious and possibly problematic second in command.  With a short deadline, she must begin to assemble her crew and...
Published 06/09/11