“My Kabbalah knowledge comes from completing Kabbalah one and maybe half of Kabbalah 2, in person. After many years later, I realized a lot of my foundation as a human being, comes from that course and a half. Lol. In lieu of reconnecting to the courses, I searched for a podcast to listen to for whenever I have “time”.
I stumbled upon the weekly energy boost because it popped up after searching “Kabbalah”. There’s something about Elisheva’s tone that brings a learner to pay attention to details in her stories because they’ll connect at the end of the episode which is usually about 35-40 min. David’s demeanor reminds us about our attachments, and how to show them attention. Both hosts compliment one another which usually allows the listener to hear both sides or all sides of that episodes topic. Occasionally, guests that know about Kabbalah join and share their POV on a topic (that weeks energy etc...).
For this, the weekly energy boast podcast is both entertaining and informative.”
Kat_NY-travelx3 via Apple Podcasts ·
United States of America ·