What Are You Doing, Movie? - The Book of Eli - Hey, you know what kind of falls apart the second you think about it? ... No, seriously, does anyone know?
Published 05/21/14
What Are You Doing, Movie? - Gravity - We sit down with honest-to-god ISS Mission Controller Anthony Vareha to talk space stations, space movies, and various disturbing accuracies present "on station" in Cuaron's Gravity! (Also, check the forum for video of this episode.)
Published 05/13/14
Published 04/21/14
What Are You Doing, Movie? - Margin Call [Curated] - This week, Brian suggests "Margin Call," mostly as an excuse to talk about the financial crisis. So we do that. (We're professionals, but not at that, either.)
Published 04/21/14
What Are You Doing, Movie? - Blast From The Past [Curated] - You do not need to have seen Blast From The Past. This curated choice, from Teague, is a "re-write" from first to last. What if this were a musical?
Published 04/14/14
What Are You Doing, Movie? - Paper Moon [Curated] - Introducing "Curated" movies, or movies where someone on the panel is recommending a film to the world. This week, Trey recommends Paper Moon.
Published 03/31/14
What Are You Doing, Movie? - Dogma - Our first Kevin Smith movie. Why Dogma? Because we're pretty sure it's the best Kevin Smith movie.
Published 03/18/14
What Are You Doing, Movie? - Groundhog Day - Look, on the outside chance you haven't seen Groundhog Day, serious talk: you need to watch Groundhog Day.
Published 03/10/14
What Are You Doing, Movie? - Oblivion - 2013 was packed with big, throwback-y sci-fi suspense movies. Few were any good. Why do we think Oblivion is worth revisiting?
Published 02/24/14
What Are You Doing, Movie? - Elysium - Alright, now that we've got all that Potter out of our system, let's get down to business: what the hell happened with Elysium?
Published 02/18/14
What Are You Doing, Movie? - Harry Potter and the 24 Hour Malariathon - Movie #8 - Deathly Hallows Pt. 2 - We reach the end. You guys and all of us decided to be simultaneously stupid and helpful, and a lot of folks dived headfirst into that calling. A lot of folks were stupid... and a lot of folks were helped. Thanks, everyone.
Published 02/09/14
What Are You Doing, Movie? - Harry Potter and the 24 Hour Malariathon - Movie #7 - Deathly Hallows Pt. 1 - Things are getting a little loopy.
Published 02/03/14
What Are You Doing, Movie? - Harry Potter and the 24 Hour Malariathon - Movie #6 - Half-Blood Prince - Sure we took a two-week break to share some topical current news stories on Intermission, but we're back into the Malariathon! ... And it's really, really late!
Published 01/28/14
What Are You Doing, Movie? - Harry Potter and the 24-Hour Malariathon - Movie #5 - Order of the Phoenix - Past the halfway point, we found that - hey! - Order of the Phoenix is a really underrated movie. Is it just the exhaustion, or are we onto something here?
Published 01/05/14
What Are You Doing, Movie? - Harry Potter and the 24 Hour Malariathon - Movie #4 - Goblet of Fire - Goblet of Fire was a movie that everyone - us too! - loved when it came out. And it seems like a movie that a lot of people have since waned on. What gives?
Published 12/29/13
What Are You Doing, Movie? - Harry Potter and the 24 Hour Malariathon - Movie #3 - Prisoner of Azkaban - So we've got a good thing goin' here with these Chris Columbus movies... let's see what happens when we drop some Cuaron on the proceedings, shall we?
Published 12/23/13
What Are You Doing, Movie? - Harry Potter and the 24 Hour Malariathon - Movie #2 - Chamber of Secrets - The 24 Hour Malariathon continues with this; a movie that nobody seems to hate, but inspires pretty ubiquitous MEH responses from all it touches. What's goin' on with Chamber of Secrets, anyway?
Published 12/16/13
What Are You Doing, Movie? - Harry Potter and the 24 Hour Malariathon - Movie #1 - Sorcerer's / Philosopher's Stone - Our 200th episode. We partnered up with MuggleNet.com in a giant 24-hour livestream "Malariathon" to raise money for Against Malaria Foundation. This is the, uh, beginning.
Published 12/09/13
What Are You Doing, Movie? - The Potter Announcement - On December 7th, for 24 hours straight, we're teaming up with MuggleNet.com to fight Malaria with Harry Potter commentaries. Learn more at friendsinyourhead.com/potter.
Published 11/18/13
What Are You Doing, Movie? - Poltergeist - Trey learns three youngin's on the finer points of classic cinema. (That's "youngin'," plural. The apostrophe stands.)
Published 10/29/13
What Are You Doing, Movie? - Carrie '76 - Who better to discuss a story about the horrors of feminine puberty on the internet than five middle-class white guys, you know?
Published 10/21/13
What Are You Doing, Movie? - Vertigo - Here, how about an old, classic, important movie that Teague loved and Trey was bored by. How's that for a spread, huh?
Published 10/14/13