As people live ever longer lives due to technology, the problem of dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease (what used to be called senility) is one that affects all society. What to do with the elderly who have memory, thinking, and behavior issues, which negatively impact their ability to function? How should we relate to them? Specifically, do their children have a responsibility to take care of them? How much of a child’s time and finances should be given to help a parent suffering from...
Published 08/20/24
As people live ever longer lives due to technology, the problem of dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease (what used to be called senility) is one that affects all society. What to do with the elderly who have memory, thinking, and behavior issues, which negatively impact their ability to function? How should we relate to them? Specifically, do their children have a responsibility to take care of them? How much of a child’s time and finances should be given to help a parent suffering from...
Published 08/20/24
This podcast will discuss both a philosophical and a very practical dilemma, unfortunately all too common in the twenty first century: if a person is approaching you to attack or even kill you, what legal and moral right do you have to hurt this individual before he or she has actually hurts you? If you wait until after you are stabbed, you will have concrete evidence of the crime, but you might not be alive to report the crime or even defend yourself... but until the person physically...
Published 08/14/24
This podcast will discuss both a philosophical and a very practical dilemma, unfortunately all too common in the twenty first century: if a person is approaching you to attack or even kill you, what legal and moral right do you have to hurt this individual before he or she has actually hurts you? If you wait until after you are stabbed, you will have concrete evidence of the crime, but you might not be alive to report the crime or even defend yourself... but until the person physically...
Published 08/14/24
While the Catholic Church and science, for hundreds of years, seemed to be in conflict, the Torah’s view of science is quite different. This podcast will demonstrate that to be a good Jew, one essentially should also be a good scientist. The podcast will also discuss the roles of science and Judaism is everyday life. Finally, it will discuss how a believing Jewish can also believe in science, when two crucial scientific facts seems to contradict traditional Judaism: the age of the earth and...
Published 08/06/24
While the Catholic Church and science, for hundreds of years, seemed to be in conflict, the Torah’s view of science is quite different. This podcast will demonstrate that to be a good Jew, one essentially should also be a good scientist. The podcast will also discuss the roles of science and Judaism is everyday life. Finally, it will discuss how a believing Jewish can also believe in science, when two crucial scientific facts seems to contradict traditional Judaism: the age of the earth and...
Published 08/06/24
Most people believe that returning someone’s lost object is so laudable, that they should expect and receive a reward. This podcast will examine why Judaism’s attitude to lost objects is quite different, and explain how this one Mitzvah-commandment demonstrates a different way of thinking for traditional Jews. In addition, the podcast will also discuss when a Jew must return and when a Jew may keep a lost object, and why.
Published 07/30/24
Most people believe that returning someone’s lost object is so laudable, that they should expect and receive a reward. This podcast will examine why Judaism’s attitude to lost objects is quite different, and explain how this one Mitzvah-commandment demonstrates a different way of thinking for traditional Jews. In addition, the podcast will also discuss when a Jew must return and when a Jew may keep a lost object, and why.
Published 07/30/24
Racism and prejudice against Jews, called antisemitism, has been part of Jewish life since its inception, But this podcast will discuss racism and prejudice by Jews against others who are not part of their group. How much discrimination, if any at all, is tolerated in Jewish society, according to Jewish law? It is crucial, then, to define exactly what is and what is not racism and prejudice and their associated behaviors. Based on the definition, the podcast will outline when such feelings...
Published 07/23/24
Racism and prejudice against Jews, called antisemitism, has been part of Jewish life since its inception, But this podcast will discuss racism and prejudice by Jews against others who are not part of their group. How much discrimination, if any at all, is tolerated in Jewish society, according to Jewish law? It is crucial, then, to define exactly what is and what is not racism and prejudice and their associated behaviors. Based on the definition, the podcast will outline when such feelings...
Published 07/23/24
Long before studies in the 20th century proved the power of peer pressure, both the Torah and the Talmudic rabbis thousands of years ago had much to teach about this value, and its effect upon all people. This podcast will not only explain these ideas and this value, but also demonstrate how Jewish law and Jewish society dictate and demand how traditional Jews should react to peer pressure.
Published 07/16/24
Long before studies in the 20th century proved the power of peer pressure, both the Torah and the Talmudic rabbis thousands of years ago had much to teach about this value, and its effect upon all people. This podcast will not only explain these ideas and this value, but also demonstrate how Jewish law and Jewish society dictate and demand how traditional Jews should react to peer pressure.
Published 07/16/24
Everyone says that they believe in the value of peace - within families, within communities, and between nations. But when conflicts and disagreements take place, how much are people then willing to sacrifice and give up their possessions, values, and beliefs to achieve peace? This podcast will show very specific attitudes in traditional Judaism on this topic, with many examples, and help the listener understand the true value of peace in the hierarchy of Jewish values.
Published 07/09/24
Everyone says that they believe in the value of peace - within families, within communities, and between nations. But when conflicts and disagreements take place, how much are people then willing to sacrifice and give up their possessions, values, and beliefs to achieve peace? This podcast will show very specific attitudes in traditional Judaism on this topic, with many examples, and help the listener understand the true value of peace in the hierarchy of Jewish values.
Published 07/09/24
This podcast will help explain the centrality of the relationship between parents and children in traditional Judaism, and how this differs from other societies. What are the obligations of a child to a parent, and vice versa? Why? At what age do these obligations end? When, if at all, can a child refuse a request of a parent in Judaism, and how should he or she do it, and why?
Published 07/02/24
This podcast will help explain the centrality of the relationship between parents and children in traditional Judaism, and how this differs from other societies. What are the obligations of a child to a parent, and vice versa? Why? At what age do these obligations end? When, if at all, can a child refuse a request of a parent in Judaism, and how should he or she do it, and why?
Published 07/02/24
This podcast will show how and why traditional Judaism is the only society in the world where it is a crime not to help someone else in need, and demands that each Jew fulfill this responsibility as much as possible within Jewish law. It will also show how this fundamental concept changes the life and values system of a traditional Jewish society, and how this core value also affects Jewish thinking. The podcast will also discuss specifics where this obligation applies, with the minimum and...
Published 06/25/24
This podcast will show how and why traditional Judaism is the only society in the world where it is a crime not to help someone else in need, and demands that each Jew fulfill this responsibility as much as possible within Jewish law. It will also show how this fundamental concept changes the life and values system of a traditional Jewish society, and how this core value also affects Jewish thinking. The podcast will also discuss specifics where this obligation applies, with the minimum and...
Published 06/25/24
This podcast will first examine how Jews should ideally live among non-Jews when Jews are in the minority. Should their relationship be close or distant? If Jews are the Chosen People, how do God and the Jews view non-Jews in the world? These fundamental questions will be examined through traditional Jewish sources, and may well surprise you; it will not be based on the history of how some Jews mistreated non-Jews, and vice versa.
Published 06/18/24
This podcast will first examine how Jews should ideally live among non-Jews when Jews are in the minority. Should their relationship be close or distant? If Jews are the Chosen People, how do God and the Jews view non-Jews in the world? These fundamental questions will be examined through traditional Jewish sources, and may well surprise you; it will not be based on the history of how some Jews mistreated non-Jews, and vice versa.
Published 06/18/24
Are Mitzvot commands from God or good deeds? What is the difference? If a Jew has full belief in God, why is there any need to do any action to prove that belief? Can one be a good Jew without keeping the commandments, as long as he believes - and vice versa? What is the overall purpose of Mitzvot-commandments? Does every individual commandment have a rationale we can understand? This podcast will explore these and other issues.
Published 06/11/24
Are Mitzvot commands from God or good deeds? What is the difference? If a Jew has full belief in God, why is there any need to do any action to prove that belief? Can one be a good Jew without keeping the commandments, as long as he believes - and vice versa? What is the overall purpose of Mitzvot-commandments? Does every individual commandment have a rationale we can understand? This podcast will explore these and other issues.
Published 06/11/24
What exactly is a Bar Mitzvah or Bat Mitzvah? What is being celebrated? Why are the ages of thirteen for a boy and twelve for a girl determinative of traditional Jewish adulthood? What is the reason for a big party which has been exaggerated and caricatured of late? When should the celebration take place and why? This podcast will help answer all these questions.
Published 06/04/24
What exactly is a Bar Mitzvah or Bat Mitzvah? What is being celebrated? Why are the ages of thirteen for a boy and twelve for a girl determinative of traditional Jewish adulthood? What is the reason for a big party which has been exaggerated and caricatured of late? When should the celebration take place and why? This podcast will help answer all these questions.
Published 06/04/24
Jews have always given tzedaka, charity, in far greater proportions than every other culture. Why is this so? Why should any person, or any Jew, give hard earned money to others who have less? This podcast will examine these questions and show how Jewish tzedaka is different from Christian charity. It will also examine one feature Jewish giving that makes it unique among all 613 commandments.
Published 05/28/24