Episode 303: Alec John Belle - What If There's Truth In All Religions, But No Religion Holds All Truth?
This week we're kicking off our PRIDE series with my friend Alec John Belle. As a member of the LGBTQ community who has had a unique spiritual journey, Alec brings an amazing perspective to the topics of religion, spirituality, and everyday life. Drop in on our convo and pick up his book, "EVERY SHADE OF ME" - enjoy! 🥳
ALEC JOHN BELLE:https://www.amazon.com/stores/Alec-John-Belle/author/B00NEZ73MG?ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1&qid=1716408932&sr=8-1&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true
EVERY SHADE OF ME: https://www.amazon.com/Every-Shade-Alec-John-Belle/dp/B0CHDHC1HD/?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_w=a6aA6&content-id=amzn1.sym.cf86ec3a-68a6-43e9-8115-04171136930a&pf_rd_p=cf86ec3a-68a6-43e9-8115-04171136930a&pf_rd_r=137-0085416-4630377&pd_rd_wg=7DZgO&pd_rd_r=e92345ff-cd67-41e2-8069-03fca625cc51&ref_=aufs_ap_sc_dsk
MY BOOK: https://www.amazon.com/Emerging-Rubble-Stories-Shattered-Relationships/dp/B0C7T5TJD4/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2B051GGV2WCSI&keywords=glenn+siepert&qid=1700157759&sprefix=glenn+%2Caps%2C399&sr=8-1
WHAT IF PROJECT ART SHOW: https://www.whatifproject.net/art
SUPPORT THE SHOW: https://www.whatifproject.net/support
SPECIAL MUSIC: TAGE (Artist) / Push and Pull (Song Name) / courtesy of epidemicsound.com
This week we're talking to Ally Markotich about her amazing new book, "Soul Kindling". We talk art, creativity, the inner critic, and finding rest in our MotherGod. Enjoy!
ALLY MARKOTICH: https://www.soulkindling.com/
SOUL KINDLING: https://www.soulkindling.com
Published 11/18/24
Brandon and I went to the same fundamentalist/Evangelical high school and today he's a lawyer who is doing amazing things in the world. This week we talk about faith deconstruction and how moving away from black and white thinking in regards to our faith can open our eyes to the nuances that can...
Published 11/10/24