Billions of tonnes of plastics have been produced by human beings and it can be found polluting every corner of the planet, from the highest mountains to the deepest seas. New research has just revealed that it’s also present in human blood.
Published 04/06/22
EIA Climate Campaigner Sophie Geoghegan unpacks the main findings of the new IPCC report and explains why, despite a grim outlook, it’s not a future we have to be locked into.
Published 03/04/22
Why the world so urgently needs an international agreement to tackle the plastics crisis and how close we may be to achieving one.
Published 02/18/22
Climate campaigners Sophie Geoghegan and Kim O’Dowd join Paul Newman to reflect on the outcomes of CoP26 and discuss what needs to happen next.
Published 12/08/21
Following the launch of the new EIA report The Truth Behind Trash, Ocean campaigners Tom Gammage and Lauren Weir talk about the scale and impact of the problem and what EIA is doing to help address it.
Published 10/08/21
World Heritage Site status should confer a degree of extra protection for those special places deemed treasures for enrichment of the entire planet – but that hasn’t been the case in Tanzania’s Selous Game Reserve.
Published 08/02/21
As another major bust of 17 tonnes of illegal HFC gases is made in Europe just days after the release of our new report Europe’s Most Chilling Crime, Climate Campaigner Sophie Geoghegan discusses the findings of our undercover investigations and looks at what needs to be done to tackle the illegal trade.   Read and download the report and watch our shocking short film.
Published 07/15/21
Mel Butler, our Senior Intelligence Analyst, talks about this innovative, first-of-its-kind tool, who will be able to use it and plans to expand it in the near future.
Published 06/11/21
Just a few short years ago, pangolins were said to be the most trafficked species you've never heard of, poached for their meat and scales, but they became much more famous after they were potentially connected to the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic and, most recently, EIA's investigations revealed that West and Central Africa have become the epicentre for pangolin scale trafficking to Asia.
Published 04/26/21
EIA’s Forests team has been working on the ground in Myanmar since the country began to emerge from under the shadow of brutal military dictatorship in 2011, exposing illegal timber trade and helping to provide the tools for meaningful reform of its natural resources sector.
Published 03/26/21
EIA has a deserved global reputation for our undercover investigations into environmental crime but less well known is the painstaking work done behind the scenes by our Intelligence Team.
Published 02/26/21
The findings of our recent survey of UK supermarkets use of single-use plastics, what’s been achieve and what more needs to be done.
Published 02/16/21
James Toone, a Senior Campaigner who works across our Wildlife and Forests projects, talks about how timber and wildlife crimes actually have much in common.
Published 02/01/21
A toxic combination of widespread corruption, weak or absent rule of law, low levels of development and hotspots of armed conflict have left several African countries wide open to exploitation by well-organised transnational criminal gangs.
Published 01/29/21
Wildlife crime has continued throughout the COVID-19 crisis, our latest research shows that many of them have adapted swiftly to changing circumstances
Published 11/05/20
Forests Campaigner Thomas Chung talks about the long road to achieving legal timber and why it’s so important for both producer countries and the markets they serve.
Published 10/30/20
Tackling money laundering can be a vital weapon in the fight against illegal wildlife trade by hitting major wildlife criminals where it hurts most – in their pockets
Published 07/02/20
Our attention may be consumed by the coronavirus crisis, but the very real threat of climate change hasn’t gone anywhere.
Published 06/23/20
The case for an international Convention on Plastic Pollution
Published 06/04/20
The coronavirus pandemic has plunged a third of the world’s population into lockdown and thrown a harsh spotlight on our dysfunctional and exploitative relationship with wildlife. Is it a warning to seriously mend our ways? Aron White, an EIA Wildlife Campaigner and China Specialist, has already given the low-down to news outlets around the world – now you can listen to him first-hand in the latest EIA podcast with Press & Communications Officer Paul Newman.    eia-interntaional.org
Published 04/29/20
Indonesia wants to water down rules keeping stolen timber out of its exports – why is this happening now and what are the likely impacts?
Published 04/23/20