“Bernie Sanders is uncompromising in his views but not in his governing or when it comes to passing needed legislation. Here is one example to add to the ones you provided in the episode. He was uncompromising in his view that the 1994 Crime Bill was ill conceived and cruel, but you can clearly see his willingness to compromise during a speech on the senate floor debating its merits with then Senator Biden. It was there that he explained and exclaimed the shortcomings of this bill, but because it included the violence against women act, which was vital to women in this country and something truly important to Bernie, he voted for the bill. He compromised. People can find footage of this on YouTube. I have not declared for Bernie, but I thought this was something that should not have been missed and seemed a bit lazy or just relying on the existing narrative. After all you spent a good portion in this episode describing instances of Bernie compromising in Burlington and during the push to pass the affordable care act. You showed that he’s not only capable of compromise, but has a record of it just to turn around and ask if he’s capable of it and if so would he. Why is that do you think?”
sixnixmix via Apple Podcasts ·
United States of America ·