“Here’s all you need to know:
At one point the veteran journalist and guide for this podcast, Soledad O’Brien, implausibly claims to know nothing more about JFK’s death than some hazy high school recollection of the Warren Commission - portraying a miscast character she claims embodies the average Americans
In an unconvincing performance, O’Brien plays the role of guileless everyman slowly getting her curiosity peaked as Reiner ludicrously answers her question of who killed JFK with a circuitous review of speech clips rather than the direct answer he can expound on over the course of the series.
This leads to two discrediting flaws:
1. O’Brien’s obviously faux aw shucks persona doesn’t allow her to ask any incisive questions because she’s pretending to be too ignorant to have the fact base to so. (John Stewart has a an incredible takedown of Stanford grad Gretchen Carlson pre lawsuit playing a similar character) but by protecting Reiner’s assessment from serious scrutiny, the series ironically ends up delegitimizing it.
2. Reiners inability to answer the central question upfront suggests that these two set out to make a podcast rather then podcasting was the right medium for Reiner’s take. There is no organic feel to how either Reiner or O’Brien unspool the story and as such it neither works as an argument in the vein of JFK the movie nor as a search for truth in the vein of true crime.
Ultimately, it’s so over choreographed that you end up distrusting the whole thing.”
TriBeCa3296543 via Apple Podcasts ·
United States of America ·