Dr. Breese Annable is a seasoned clinical psychologist with over 15 years of experience in guiding individuals toward building lives filled with meaning and purpose. Having successfully navigated her own career pivot in her 40s, Dr. Annable has a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities that come with making significant life changes, particularly in midlife.Specializing in helping professional women at midlife find the clarity, courage, and confidence to pivot or change careers,...
Riana Malia is an accomplished transformation coach trained in Evolved Neurolinguistic Programming (ENLP), Quantum Time Release (QTR), and Advanced Trauma-Aware Coaching who empowers ambitious women to live a confident and trauma-free life.With over 20 years of coaching experience, Riana has...
Published 10/28/24
Isabel Bagsik (she/her) is a Soulful Brand Designer and Creative Wellness Guide. She helps heart-led healers, entrepreneurs, visionaries and revolutionary leaders like you to launch your innovative projects and get paid for your culture-shifting creative gifts. Isabel designs authentic and...
Published 10/21/24