Wine and Wisdom 5 explore the upcoming trends of 2024, discussing the challenges of staying on top of the constant changes in areas such as Grocery shopping and Starbucks coffee lingo. Join the discussion on navigating the constant evolving of these everyday experiences.
Segment: Belleza con...
Published 01/24/24
We engage in a conversation with Dr. Patricia Delgado and Dr. Patricia Conde Brooks about Culture, Empowerment, and Personal Evolution.
#latinas #thebridgifygroup #evolving #cultura #empowerment
Published 11/22/23
This is such a special episode. We find ourselves in the company of our childhood mentor, who has since become both a teacher and a dear friend – our High School teacher, Mrs. Arlene Roberts-Faustine. With great openness, she unfolds her personal narrative about her battle with Breast Cancer, and...
Published 11/22/23