160. Nicole Dagher on Holistic Approaches to MHHE in West Africa and Pakistan
What are some ways to address Menstrual Health, Hygiene and Education that could enable societies and governments to reduce shame and stigma? How can sensitization training for schools and healthcare professionals, the engagement with local leaders and the rehabilitation and adaptation of WASH facilities could help create inclusive menstrual health management? Why is MHHE often overlooked within the context of development? What are the cultural, religious and policy budget shifts happening due to WASH programs in countries like Sierra Leone, Liberia, Burkina Faso and Pakistan?
To commemorate World Menstrual Hygiene Day 2023, we feature an interview with Nicole Dagher, Program Manager at Water Aid Canada.
Join us in this exploration, follow us on Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn @womanhood_ir
Listen to related episodes:
96. Danielle Keiser on COVID-19's Impact on Menstrual Health Education
110. Zvisinei Dzepasi Mamutse on Girls' Menstrual Health Education in Zimbabwe
157. Kat Plouffe on Launching a Sustainable Period Startup
158. Carolina Ramírez on Decolonizing Menstrual Hygiene & Education in Latin America
159. Dr. Shraddha Kale Kapile on Menstrual Health, Hygiene & Education in Mumbai Slums
Recommended links of this episode:
WaterAid Official Website
The Water Crisis
Facts and Statistics
HerWASH programme
SHARE programme
Background music credit: Roman Kostiuk, A Small Miracle - Pixabay License
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