168. Ereshnee Naidu on Women's Role in the TRRC in The Gambia
How cultures of fear and silence may affect the way post-conflict societies relate to transitional justice and peace processes? What's been the role women have played in the TRRC in The Gambia?
How has the implementation of women-only listening circles and safe spaces helped build trust, support and justice to those who have been excluded, abused or silenced for so long?
An interview with Ereshnee Naidu-Silverman, Senior Director for the Global Transitional Justice Initiative.
Join us in this exploration, follow us on Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn @womanhood_ir and support our work on Patreon http://patreon.com/womanhoodir
Listen to related episodes:
24. Kimberly Loh on Compassionate Conversations and Conflict Resolution
40. Pauline Stoltz on Transnational Memories & Violent Conflicts in Indonesia
130. How To Become a Tyrant
136. How-To Start A Women's Circle
151. Dr. Luke Moffett on Reparations in Post-Conflict Societies
Recommended readings of this episode:
Inclusive Justice in The Gambia
Global Initiative for Justice, Truth and Reconciliation
International Coalition of Sites of Conscience
From "Gender Sensitive" Transitional Justice to Gender Inclusivity
The Role of Psychosocial Support in Building Healthy, Resilient Communities in Africa
Gambia: Commission Uncovers Ex-Dictator’s Alleged Crimes
Women’s Experiences of Dictatorship in the Gambia
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