176. Alexandra Molina and Valerick Molinary on the Transformative Power of Belly Dance
What stories do our bodies tell? How can music and dance forms help people communicate with their inner selves and each other? How our body language may be signaling our oppression or liberation of mental, cultural or social conditionings?
Why is Belly Dancing seen as a popular and powerful dance style? How its evolution throughout time showcased the intersection between West and East gazes? In which ways mindful art performances educate audiences or societies to rethink prejudices and stereotypes on women's and people's bodies?
An interview with Alexandra Molina and Valerick Molinary, founders of the multimedia production and theater company Belly Dance Stories.
Listen to related episodes:
46. Hannah Ruth Dyson on The Deep Feminine
90. Itzel Pamela Pérez-Gómez on Gender Issues in the Middle East
136. How-To Start A Women's Circle
150. Healing Our Inner/Outer Masculine & Feminine Imbalances
161. Revaluing Our Bodies, Spaces and Behaviors
Recommended links to this episode:
Belly Dance Stories Website
Belly Dance Stories Podcast
Belly Dance Stories Instagram
Belly Dance Stories Youtube
Alexandra Molina Instagram
Valerick Molinary Instagram
The Political Potential of Belly Dance
Grandmother's Secrets: The Ancient Rituals and Healing Power of Belly Dancing
Bellydancing, Activism and the Politics of Pleasure
On the Identity Politics of Belly Dancing
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