Living & Working Abroad, German, Kate von Knobloch, Identified 4 Types of Thriving Female Expats [Ep 28]
Kate is a mid-30s millennial from Germany, a self-professed ambitious career woman. She studied in the UK and Spain, relocating to Taiwan and then the US for work. Her background is in digital marketing and business development, which she ultimately evolved into a business of her own as a certified coach. By way of building her reputation as an expert in her field, coaching international women, she piloted a fascinating study, interviewing 30, expat-women principle-breadwinners, resulting in Kate designating 4 types of “Thriving Female Expats.” In this interview, she talks about the '4 types' and an additional study she conducted, exploring the topics, employability when moving abroad, and re-entering the workforce after a career break of 5-plus years.
In this final episode of Women Who Walk, I bid farewell to podcasting (for now). Throughout the three seasons and 48 episodes, I’ve had the honor of interviewing globally mobile women, who shared stories of courage, adaptability, and resiliency moving multiple countries for work, for adventure,...
Published 05/25/23
Jo Francis Penn is English, currently living in Bath. As an 11-year-old, she lived in Malawi, Africa; in her teens she lived for a short period in Israel; and as a young adult she lived in New Zealand and Australia. Once back in the UK, she made a career change, moving from tech into writing...
Published 05/11/23