Get Busy Blogging w/ Rosemarie Groner of The Busy Budgeter
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Description Rosemarie Groner is a formerly stressed, overworked and exhausted mom who loves blogging almost as much as she loves brownies. She writes at The Busy Budgeter about how she used the free Ultimate Money Saving Workbook to reduce their spending enough to be able to quit her job, stay home with her kids and then found a way to make up her salary at home. She’s still working on the cure for exhaustion. Current Business: The Busy Budgeter Definition of Success: Freedom to make your own choices. Best Advice: If you want to blog then just do it and invest in training as soon as you can. Secret to Being the Best Mom She Can Be: Getting help from her husband.  Huge Time Saver: Ordering groceries and other household items online. Links: Elite Blog Academy, Pro Blogging Secrets, Peapod, Target App: Good Reads Leave a Review in iTunes Check us out on: Facebook and Twitter
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