The war in Ukraine has proved a turning point for German policy makers who have pledged to increase defence spending and wean themselves off their dependence on Russian gas and oil. But at what cost to the German public? How deep is the new consensus in Berlin? How will Germany face these new challenges in foreign policy and energy and inflation problems at home? German politicians and opinion formers take questions from a live audience at Berlin's Humboldt University in a debate chaired by...
Published 05/17/22
Freedom of speech, youth and politics, child marriage and how to tackle drought - Jonny Dymond presents a public debate of national issues in Morocco’s capital Rabat, where a panel of senior politicians and civil society leaders answer questions on subjects posed directly by an audience. The panel: Younes Sekkouri MP: Minister for Economic Inclusion, Small Business, Employment and Skills Khaoula Lachguar: Member of the National Council of the USFP (Socialist Union of Popular Forces...
Published 04/11/22
Estonia is a parliamentary democracy, a member of the European Union and a post-Soviet success story right on the Nato frontline. As the war following Russia’s invasion continues in Ukraine, Estonians ask - How defensible is their country? Can it rely on Nato? And how loyal is the Russian speaking minority within its own borders? Jonny Dymond is joined by a panel of Estonian politicians and opinion formers who field urgent questions from across the country. The panel includes: President...
Published 03/10/22
World Questions offers a rare chance to hear a new Syrian generation debate its future. The programme is presented by the BBC’s chief international correspondent, Lyse Doucet, and features a panel and questioners of young Syrians from within the country – and those living abroad. Up for debate: economic sanctions, education, civil war, foreign intervention, the plight of refugees and how best to achieve a lasting peace. The panel includes: Karim Khwanda: Businessman and analyst Masa Akbik:...
Published 02/12/22
Europe faces a tidal wave of Covid infections and many countries have brought in new social measures to try to cope. There are passes that give different rights to those who are vaccinated from those who are not, some countries have curfews or lockdowns and from 1st February, Austria will make vaccines compulsory for everyone. There have been protests throughout the continent. World Questions debates the response to the pandemic with political leaders and questioners from across the...
Published 01/17/22
As a new space race develops between different nations and as private companies start to explore the possibilities of space tourism, how do we regulate and govern what happens in space? Is there a danger that the environment on earth and in space could damaged by these activities ? And what are the challenges and opportunities of space exploration? Jonny Dymond brings together an expert panel to answer questions posed by World Service listeners from all over the globe. The panel includes:...
Published 12/13/21
Climate catastrophe threatens our planet with devastating consequences. It is in that knowledge that delegates from 197 countries came to Glasgow for the UN’s Climate Conference, COP26. Has their agreement left the world on a safer path, or is it an opportunity missed? From coal emissions to deforestation, money for developing economies and clean cars, the BBC’s Science Editor David Shukman chairs a debate which covers the big issues with questions coming from all over the world. The panel...
Published 11/16/21
World Questions looks at the environment, with a special programme from Australia. The BBC’s Shaimaa Khalil looks ahead to the COP climate change conference in the UK with a panel of guests to discuss the world’s most pressing issues from the perspective of the Southern Hemisphere. The panel includes: Malcolm Turnbull - former Australian Prime Minister Juliet Kabera - Director General of the Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA) Mbong Akiy - spokeswoman for Greenpeace Africa Natalia...
Published 10/18/21
Presenter Sana Safi in London brings together a panel of young Afghan academics and campaigners to debate the country’s current crisis – and its future. The panel answers questions from young Afghans which cover the big issues of the day including how the Taliban will rule, the fate of women and political opponents and the type of international relationships Afghanistan will have with the rest of the world. The panel includes: Faiz Zaland: Academic and commentator who lectures in Public...
Published 09/17/21
More than a billion people are disabled - that’s 15 percent of the world’s population. With a panel of leading disabled academics, campaigners and politicians, World Questions examines the challenges and opportunities facing disabled people across the globe right now. Presenter: Scout Bassett, US Paralympic athlete Panel: Ambassador Catalina Devandas: Costa Rican ambassador to the United Nations (Geneva) Yetnebersh Nigussie: Ethiopian disability rights campaigner (Kenya) Baroness (Tanni)...
Published 09/17/21
As G7 wealthiest democracies gather in the UK to discuss the world’s big issues, World Questions convenes its parallel ‘summit’ tackling questions from the public all around the world. A powerful panel representing each of the seven countries discusses the threat to democracy, climate change, and whether China is a challenge to a rule-based world order. Jonny Dymond presents. The panel: Senator Rui Matsukawa: Vice-Minister for Defence and for the Cabinet Office, Japan Bob Rae: Canada’s...
Published 06/13/21
World Questions discusses the future of Turkey with young people from across the country. Jonny Dymond chairs a debate featuring a youthful panel of academics, lawyers and campaigners. The questioners come from across the country to debate the big issues of the day – unemployment and insecurity, student unrest on university campuses, the rights of women and the LGBT community, foreign policy and freedom of speech. Producers: Helen Towner and Charlie Taylor Sound Engineers: Chris Weightman and...
Published 05/16/21
Life has changed in many ways in the year since the pandemic hit. Countless millions have been forced to work from home, offices have closed, livelihoods have disappeared and videoconferencing and online shopping have made huge inroads into everyday life. What will be the long term impact on the world of work? Katya Adler explores the future of work with a high level panel facing questions from the public around the world. What will stay changed, what will happen next and what will we miss...
Published 04/19/21
World Questions tackles the global issue of Covid-19: not just the disease itself but the information surrounding the pandemic. What should we have known and what questions should have been asked? Sharing information - and understanding the basis of the decisions of the scientists and the politicians - has never been more important or more difficult. So, do we always get the best information? How do we interpret the science and the policies that goes with it? And how does the world’s media...
Published 03/25/21
What works - and at what cost - in the fight against Covid? Jonny Dymond brings together top flight decision-makers with the public feeling the brunt of those decisions around the world. How some countries get ahead with vaccines, what the world has learned about preventing the next pandemic and whether vaccine passports are an assault on human rights - a few of the political questions on which a global panel from Singapore, USA, Kenya, South Korea and the United Kingdom, compare notes. On...
Published 02/14/21
Europe Editor, Katya Adler, presents a debate focusing on the European Union post Brexit. Politicians from across the region and the political spectrum discuss tough questions put to them by the public on issues such as the EU's environmental record, migration, Brexit, bailouts, the handling of the pandemic and the future of the Union.
Published 01/16/21
Rivalry between Trump’s United States and Xi’s China is rampant: from disagreements on trade tariffs, on Hong Kong and the Uighurs and, of course, the source of Covid-19. But underlying it all is the growing tech war between these two economic superpowers, with giants like Huawei on the battlefield. For its part, China denies access to Google, Facebook, Twitter and many other American firms. Central to this growing tech war are semiconductors - the cornerstone technology of the information...
Published 10/24/20
The terrible choice between hunger and infection, police imposing lockdowns with brutality and the unexpected positives to come out of the pandemic in Africa. Presenter Toyosi Ogunseye in Lagos examines these issues with panellists Dr Matshidiso Moeti, WHO Regional Director for Africa; Bright Simons, social entrepreneur based in Congo and president of mPedigree, Ghana; Sabina Chege MP, Health Select Committee Chair, Kenya; Ralph Mathekga, political analyst and writer, South Africa.
Published 07/18/20
How has Latin America dealt with the pandemic? The lockdown, the needs of the economy, cash pay-outs to the poor, culture, tradition and safety in a time of crisis are all discussed with an expert panel and questions from the public across the region. Presenter Jonny Dymond is joined by Dr Denise Dresser, political scientist, Mexico; Luiz Philippe de Orleans e Braganca, Chamber of Representatives, Social Liberal Party, Brazil; Laura Alonso, former head of Argentina's Anti-Corruption...
Published 06/15/20
The impact of Covid-19 on Asia is explored with a panel of leading public health experts, politicians and analysts from across the region. What can be done to slow down the spread of the virus? And how should countries balance the needs of their economies with the need to save lives?
Published 05/09/20
World Questions responds to the global Coronavirus crisis with a special programme focussing on the pandemic in Europe. Jonny Dymond will explore the challenges posed by and the consequences of the outbreak of COVID-19 as he is joined by a panel of experts from across the continent who answer questions from the public. The panel: Dunja Mijatovic: Commissioner for Human Rights at the Council of Europe Margaret Harris: World Health Organisation Richard Horton: Editor in Chief of The Lancet...
Published 04/11/20
Coronavirus , multibillion dollar debt, inflation, poverty - the new government faces a host of challenges. Will President Fernandez’s team be able to turn the tide, and see the highly-educated, resource-rich, vast and fertile Republic of Argentina return to prosperity? What about Falklands/Las Malvinas? And plans to legalise abortion in the Pope’s home country? Jonny Dymond and a panel of politicians discuss the fascinating future of Argentina.
Published 03/14/20
The recent upsurge in violence against foreigners, mostly from elsewhere in Africa, is raising fears that xenophobic attacks in South Africa are on the rise. Political leaders from across party divides have been accused of tapping into existing anti-African sentiment and have helped create a hostile environment and stoked anti-immigrant sentiment for political gain rather than addressing the issues of poverty and job creation. But where does this Afrophobic violence have its roots and what...
Published 03/01/20
Nigeria is one of the world’s largest oil producers, but national infrastructure, youth unemployment and insecurity are huge challenges for its civilian government. Jihadist attacks and separatist movements threaten to tear the country apart and despite being the biggest economy south of the Sahara, extreme poverty is very high. What next for Nigeria? The BBC’s Toyosi Ogunseye is joined by a panel of leading politicians and opinion formers for a public debate in Lagos, the country’s largest...
Published 02/07/20
This month, World Questions comes to Lisbon to bring together leading politicians and the public to discuss the issues that matter to Portuguese people: education and public health services, the environment, housing, tourism and how best to grow the economy. The programme, which will be presented by the BBC’s Manuela Saragosa, will be recorded in front of an audience at the CCB Cultural Centre in Lisbon.
Published 01/18/20