For two days British parliamentarians have been debating draft legislation that paves the way for Britain to officially start the process of leaving the European Union. Last week Supreme Court judges ruled that government plans to trigger Article 50 and start negotiating its exit from the European Union must be put before parliament. Dan Damon spoke with Conservative MP Ben Howlett just before he went into the chamber to start the second and final day of discussions. (Photo: Protestors...
Published 02/01/17
Legislation that would allow the British government to trigger what's known as Article 50 and start negotiating its exit from the European Union could be put before parliament as early as Thursday. That's after the Supreme Court ruling on Tuesday that - in essence - said parliament must be consulted beforehand. But how many MPs will vote against? Will amendments be tabled to frustrate the process? James Menendez spoke to Alison Young, Professor of Public Law at Oxford University and Rob...
Published 01/25/17
Dan Damon spoke to Vicky Pryce, an economist at the Centre for Business and Economic Research, about prospective future trade deals between the European Union and the United Kingdom. (Photo: A farm in the United Kingdom. Credit: Rob Stothard/Getty Images)
Published 01/11/17
Dan Damon spoke to The Financial Times' political editor, George Parker about the significance of Sir Ivan Rogers' resignation. (Photo: The UK's ambassador to the EU, Sir Ivan Rogers. Credit: Reuters)
Published 01/04/17
Britain is the biggest foreign investor in the United States, making up 15 percent of foreign direct investment, ahead of Canada, China and Japan. And the US is the biggest export market for the UK, receiving more than 31 billion dollars' worth of British goods each year. Dan Damon spoke to Republican Senator Mike Lee who is campaigning to maintain the same trade deal with Britain after Brexit. (Photo: US and UK flags Credit: Getty Images)
Published 12/07/16
Wales could lose about £245/$309 million in funds from the European Union after Brexit. Dan Damon asked Ed Gareth Poole of the Wales Governance Centre at Cardiff University about plans to find replacement sources of funding. (Photo: The Wye Valley, Wales Credit: BBC)
Published 12/01/16
How will Britain's vote in favour of leaving the European Union affect venture capitalists across Europe, especially in the UK? The European Investment Fund put more than $700 million into startups in Britain last year alone. Dan Damon spoke to one of the venture capitalists who benefits from European Investment Fund seed money, Nenad Merovac of DN Capital. (Photo: One Euro coin can be seen next to a British one pound coin. Credit: Getty Images)
Published 11/16/16
There are fears that vital police and intelligence information will not be shared effectively if Britain opts out of the EU's law enforcement agency. (Photo: British police on patrol Credit: AFP)
Published 11/10/16
South Korea is keen to improve the level of English spoken by its citizens. Standards are definitely improving but, as Dan Damon finds out in Seoul, a few mistakes are inevitable. (Photo: a lavatory sign in Seoul. Credit: Dan Damon/BBC)
Published 11/06/16
Nobody knows what will happen to the hundreds of UK-based European footballers when Britain leaves the EU, but one popular gaming franchise has decided to explore the possibilities by building new 'Brexit scenarios' into the gameplay. The latest edition of the soccer simulation game Football Manager will challenge players to deal with any one of three kinds of Brexit agreement, which can occur at any point in the game. Miles Jacobson, director of the Football Manager franchise, told Dan Damon...
Published 11/02/16
CETA (Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement ) is being blocked by 3 small Belgian regions. The deal is the most ambitious trade agreement in the European Union's history, so what do these problems mean for the UK as it prepares a negotiating position with the bloc? Allie Renison is Head of Europe and Trade Policy at the Institute of Directors, she told Rebecca Kesby about the likely implications. (Picture: Canada and EU flag shake hands Credit: Thinkstock)
Published 10/25/16
How will Brexit affect the long-standing and often complex relationship between the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland? Very significantly, says Diarmaid Ferriter, who is a professor of modern Irish history at University College Dublin. He spoke to Dan Damon about trade, travel and peace. (Photo: British Prime Minister Theresa May meets Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny in London. Credit: Stefan Rousseau/Getty Images)
Published 10/12/16
For many years Britain's governing Conservative Party has suffered bitter divisions within its ranks over Europe. So will they stay united as Brexit draws closer? Dan Damon has been speaking with James Forsyth from The Spectator, a right-leaning current affairs magazine. (Photo: Delegates at the annual Conservative Party conference in Birmingham, October 2016. Credit: Ben Stansall/Getty Images)
Published 10/05/16
Could London become a city-state after most of its inhabitants voted to stay in the EU? Dan Damon talked to Steve Bloomfield of Monocle magazine to find out whether the idea could ever come to fruition. (Picture: Buses and taxis on Westmister Bridge with Elizabeth Tower and the Houses of Parliament Credit: Thinkstock)
Published 10/03/16
As Britain prepares for the next stage of its withdrawal from the European Union, two men are leading the EU side of the negotiations - the former French Foreign Minister Michel Barnier and the former Belgian Prime Minister Guy Verhofstadt. Pro-Brexit British Member of the European Parliament Syed Kamall gives his views. (Photo (L): Former French Foreign Minister Michel Barnier (L), Credit: Jean-Pierre Clatot/AFP/Getty Images. Photo (R): Former Belgian Prime Minister Guy Verhofstadt,...
Published 09/21/16
The New European is a new national newspaper in the UK, aimed at people who voted to remain in the European Union. The paper launched less than two weeks after the Brexit vote - Dan Damon spoke to its editor Matt Kelly. (Picture: First cover of The New European Credit: Archant)
Published 09/14/16
Paralympics open in Brazil; Photographing America's craziest conventions; Trump and Clinton face veterans' questioning (Picture: President Obama gives Laos traditional greeting in front of flags Credit: Reuters)
Published 09/08/16
Edi Rama is the current Albanian Prime Minister - his country is hoping to join the European Union. So what does he make of the British decision to turn its back on the bloc? (Picture: Edi Rama Credit: AFP/Getty)
Published 09/08/16
This week on our BrexitWatch podcast we're asking what those who campaigned to remain in the European Union are doing to influence the terms of a future relationship with the bloc. Norman Lamb, Liberal Democrat politician, campaigned to stay in the EU and is a founder of the lobby group, Open Britain. Dan Damon asked him how he felt now that the dust was settling on defeat. (Picture: EU supporter in London Credit: PA)
Published 08/31/16
As European leaders meet on Ventonene Island, Italy, Linda Risso of the Institute for Historical Research discusses the history of federalism within the European Union. (Picture: European flags Credit: Thinkstock)
Published 08/24/16
The Protestant Reformation of the 16th century "provides precedent for Brexit", according to Tim Stanley of the Daily Telegraph. Dan Damon asked him how such events shape national identity. (Picture: A portrait of King Henry VIII Credit: Hulton Archive / Getty)
Published 08/17/16
After the Bank of England cut interest rates to their lowest ever rates, what are the indicators for the future of the UK economy? Eshe Nelson is economics and markets reporter for Quartz - she told Dan Damon what we should be looking out for. (Picture: Pound coin and graph Credit: Thinkstock)
Published 08/10/16
Ryan Bourne of the Institute of Economic Affairs was in a minority of economists arguing for Brexit. Dan Damon asked him how Britain should respond to the challenges lying ahead. (Picture: British flag and pound coins Credit: Thinkstock)
Published 08/03/16
Professor Philip Bobbitt is an expert in constitutional law who thinks the idea of statehood is changing. Dan Damon asked him how Brexit might affect our understanding of national identity. (Picture: Map of Europe with pins Credit: Thinkstock)
Published 08/03/16
For our second BrexitWatch podcast we speak to Charlotte Minvielle, a charity worker who moved to London from France a decade ago. Dan Damon asked her how she had responded to the Brexit vote. (Picture: EU flag and Big Ben Credit: Thinkstock)
Published 07/27/16