The Pursuit of Perfection
In a world where fashion trends come and go, Florentino Delure stands steadfast as a beacon of timeless elegance and artistry. Inspired by his journeys, Serghey joined forces with Italian artisan Luigi, a master of Italian craft and business with a distinguished career at renowned Italian brands such as Kiton, Sartoria Dalcuore, and Stile Latino. Together, they created a brand that transcends borders.
Attention to details
From creative vision to meticulous execution, at Florentino Delure, luxury lives in every detail. Our commitment to excellence is end-to-end. We begin by sourcing the finest materials from Italy and the United Kingdom and collaborating with skilled tailors and manufacturers who understand these precious materials. Whether you choose su misura or ready-to-wear garments, each piece is a testament to the dedication we pour into our craft.
Mă numesc Adina, îmi plac dulciurile și iubesc animalele. Îmi mai plac locurile cu burgeri buni, vinul roșu și plimbările. În urmă cu câțiva ani mă pregăteam pentru o carieră juridică. În timpul unei sesiuni am avut o revelație. Îmi plăcea să fac altceva. Inițial la Craiova, apoi la București. Am...
Published 11/18/24
X Event Podcast | Sez. 2 Ep. 10 | Daimon Events
Published 11/11/24