Roth Conversions vs. Required Minimum Distributions
Should Mike in Virginia keep using his IRA money to pay the tax on his Roth conversions? How do you do a Roth conversion when you don’t have the money to pay the tax? That’s PeterLemonJello’s question, but is it the question he should be asking? Spitballing Roth IRA conversion strategies to reduce your taxable required minimum distributions (RMD) in retirement - that’s today on Your Money, Your Wealth® podcast 484 with Joe Anderson, CFP® and Big Al Clopine, CPA. Plus, Susan and Mike in Ohio are retired, in the 24% tax bracket, and considering converting $50k or $75k to Roth - should they do it? How is D-Rock and Matilda’s strategy for selling rental properties and doing Roth conversions as they bridge the gap to early retirement? And finally, how do required minimum distributions work on inherited Roth accounts? Free financial resources and transcript:
Navigating Your Financial Future Single - YMYW TV
Going Solo Guide - free download
Asset Location & Roth Conversion Retirement Spitball - YMYW Extra Ep. 1
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00:00 - Intro
00:54 - How to Pay the Tax on a Roth Conversion: Are You Asking the Right Question? (Peter LemonJello, FL)
05:45 - Should I Keep Doing Roth Conversions and Paying Tax from the IRA? (Mike, VA)
14:24 - Retired, in the 24% Tax Bracket. Should We Convert $50-$75K to Roth in 2024? (Susan, OH)
18:28 - Roth Conversions and Selling Rental Property to Bridge to Early Retirement (D-Rock & Matilda, New York)
28:11 - Required Minimum Distributions for Inherited Roth IRAs Explained (Elisa, Fremont)
34:12 - The Derails
Ricochet J in Colorado and her husband want to retire as soon as humanly possible. Are they on track? Should they save their surplus funds to a brokerage account or a solo 401(k)? That’s today on Your Money, Your Wealth® podcast 505 with Joe Anderson, CFP® and Big Al Clopine, CPA. Plus, Micah in...
Published 11/26/24
Can Ted and Georgette convert $1.6M in an inherited trust to Roth without distributing it? Should the trust own their home so they can use the home equity? Melissa was added as joint owner on her parents’ bank accounts after a medical event, but what have they done? Should Ralph and Alice use the...
Published 11/19/24