83: Translating Youth Culture for Student Discipleship (Evan Barber)
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Youth culture can feel like a foreign language, especially with how rapidly it changes. How can youth workers understand the culture of our students… and why is that important anyways?  Why is it important for youth workers to understand youth culture?  How would you describe the default approach most adults take toward interpreting and translating youth culture?  Could you walk us through a biblical view of Christ and Culture?  What is the intersection between theological depth and cultural analysis?  Can you give us an example of something going on in youth culture today and model how we could engage students in a meaningful conversation about their worldview?  Are there any common pitfalls regarding youth culture that you’ve seen youth workers fall into that we should guard against?  Evan Barber is the Senior Editor for Axis, a ministry that equips parents for gospel-centered conversations with their teen about faith and culture. He also cohosts their Culture Translator Podcast.  Discover new resources on Axis' website Follow @axisconversations on social media: Instagram, Facebook, YouTube Join YPT's Facebook group: @youththeologian (make sure you answer the membership questions) Follow YPT on Twitter: @youththeologian Follow YPT on Instagram: @youththeologian YPT's ebook, Youth Ministry is Theological Ministry, is a free download for subscribers. This book presents ten articles from the YPT archives to help new readers catch YPT's vision for theologically rich and pastorally wise youth ministry. 
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